Factsheet ACQF-II Updated - report of all activities (May 2023 - 31 December 2024)

ACQF-II Project continues implementation of all planned activities and reached tangible outputs. Active cooperation with all involved countries and regions has been key for this successful roadmap. High appreciation to all countries and their national qualifications authorities and entities for the engagement and ownership.

The new Factsheet is available for you on the Webpage Resources

Synthesis on ACQF-II activities and outputs (May 2023-December 2024)

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  • The ACQF website has been updated regularly, and includes a revamped Home page, new thematic pages on the main menu and wider spaces for New and Publications. News on ACQF-II activities are shared via a new X account (former Twitted) - @acqf - accessible also via the revamped Home page of ACQF website.


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2023 Capacity Development Workshops:

Programme of 7 capacity development and policy dialogue multi-country workshops on the wider theme “Making NQFs operational in a time of change”. Agenda and all workshop materials and presentations are accessible at the indicated webpages:

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  1. 08-09/May and 11-12/May: Johannesburg
  2. 11-13/July: Addis Ababa
  3. 31/July to 04/August: Bissau national NQF workshop
  4. 9-11/Oct: Nairobi
  5. 07-08/Nov: Accra
  6. 05-06/Dec: Maputo

2024 Forums and Workshops:

  1. Accra NQF workshop 2024: 26/02 to 01/03/2024
  2. Kinshasa NQF workshop 2024: 5-6/03/2024
  3. Seychelles CATS workshops 2024: 11-15/03/2024
  4. Dakar NQF workshop: 02-04/05/2024
  5. SADC TCCA meeting 2024: 09-10/05/2024
  6. Eswatini RPL workshop 2024: 13/05/2024
  7. Maputo NQF workshop 2024: 15-17/05/2024
  8. Sierra Leone NQF workshop 2024 (part II): 22-24/05/2024
  9. Kinshasa First ACQF Forum: 18-20/06/2024
  10. Luanda 2nd ACQF Forum: 05-06/09/2024
  11. Nairobi 3rd ACQF Forum (RPL for Practitioners): 01-04/10/2024
  12. Nairobi – Policy development workshop Somalia (NQF-RPL-CATS): 8-10(11/2024
  13. Seychelles, 4th ACQF Forum (Micro-credentials for better opportunities): 13-14/11/2024Somalia Team_workshop.jpg

Qualifications and Credentials Platform

Dedicated webpage on ACQF website: leaflet, all reports, training units, presentations.

The ACQF Qualifications and Credentials Platform (QCP) is a major component of the ACQF as a policy instrument for African qualifications. This comprehensive system of databases aligns with the objectives of the African Union and its member states, contributing to modernize and digitalise management of qualifications at national level, and share information at continental level.

The QCP is being designed to process, classify, compare, and visualise information on various qualifications across education and training sectors. It will consist of interconnected databases, offering at minimum tools for analysis, classification, and visualisation.

QCP is a system of databases at 2 levels: national (managed by the national qualifications authorities) and continental (interoperability. Software architecture and Data Model build on international good practice, notably the EUROPASS, but contextualised and streamlined.

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On 20 December 2024 the QCP was launched (Curators' Interface) - for start of data collection.

Training and capacity development of the involved countries:

·       QCP Steering Group: ACQF-II coordination, AUC, Technical consortium, countries

·       QCP Contact Persons nominated by countries: to implement the QCP at national level, disseminate information, support interoperability.

·       8 main training sessions in 2024 delivered.

·       Training for QCP Contact Persons: visit website.

·       Data collection training and start of activities.


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