Concepts and definitions on qualifications frameworks and systems, from international and African recognised sources.
Thematic Briefs
Overview of frameworks of skills and competencies adopted in different regions, such as: Key competences for lifelong learning framework (European Union), framework on transversal competencies (Unesco ERI-Net Asia-Pacific), digital skills framework (EU) and EntreComp (entrepreneurship competence, EU).
Understanding level descriptors and their contribution to transparency and comparability of qualifications and NQFs. Mapping of 24 African cases (NQF and RQF): levels, descriptors and domains of learning
Overview of RQFs and their functioning based on 3 examples: European Qualifications Framework (EQF), ASEAN Qualifications Reference Framework (AQRF) and SADC Qualifications Framework (SADCQF).
Understanding Quality Assurance in TVET: overview and mapping of approaches, tools and guidelines from various international references - AU, EQAVET, UNESCO Asia Pacific, SADCQF and ETF.
This Thematic brief provides an overview on recent developments of national and regional qualifications frameworks, based on global inventories, African mapping studies and experience-sharing activities of the ACQF development project.
This thematic brief provides a concise overview of conceptual debates in the global literature and results of a review in 2020 on competence-based training (CBT) / Approche par Compétences (APC) in Africa. March 2022.
This thematic brief explains the key concepts, approach and methodology applied to develop the ACQF level descriptors. A key reading for all persons and institutions interested in NQFs and in future referencing to ACQF.
The brief explores different models of NQF governance, with emphasis on the role of legislation, institutions, stakeholders and quality assurance. Effective NQF governance needs to take account of the wider qualifications ecosystem.

This Thematic Brief explores the main concepts, debates and experiences from policy and research initiatives related with micro-credentials and their contextualisation in the frame of education and training systems, national qualifications frameworks, new eco-systems of certification, upskilling and reskilling to meet the needs of the digital and green transitions and employability in a context of skills shortages. The attention to micro-credentials in the research and literature, and in policy documents has increased in 2020-2022, as countries, regional communities, international organisations explore features of a common understanding of trusted and relevant micro-credentials. Chapter 6 looks into results of a limited ACQF survey (March 2021), which included a section on trends in micro-credentials.

People learn anytime, everywhere. Outcomes of prior learning in all contexts of life can be validated, recognised, certified to give people wings to new perspectives and opportunities in education and training, employment, entrepreneurship, better jobs. This Thematic Brief provides an overview on RPL policies, practices and tools in different parts of the world, and a presentation of ten African cases: Angola, Cape Verde, Kenya, Lesotho, Mauritius, Morocco, Mozambique, Seychelles, South Africa, and Zambia.
Concept of the ACQF CDP, with focus on objectives, combination of modalities of learning and thematic domains