Green Dashboard Africa: Tracking the emerging Green Economy

The Green Skills Dashboard for African countries provides an analysis of green skills trends across various sectors, based on data from online job vacancies collected from multiple sources.

Utilizing advanced AI models, the platform extracts and categorizes green skills directly from job descriptions. This permits to track the demand for skills that are driving the green economy, offering a real-time view of how green transitions are shaping labor markets in Africa.

The data used in the Green Skills Dashboard for African countries is sourced from various online job vacancy (OJV) platforms. The green skills taxonomy employed follows the classification defined by European Training Foundation (ETF), categorizing skills that contribute to environmental sustainability and green economic activities. The analysis spans job vacancies from 2022 to 2024, providing an up-to-date figure of green skill trends. To explore the OJV dashboard, please visit and for more detailed methodologies, refer to the