Green Skills

The Green Transition will enable job creation and economic growth, but requires adequate skills and competences. ACQF and National Qualifications Frameworks have an important role to advance development of Green Skills.

Green skills – an important area of debate and policy action and which has become a priority in research (quantitative and qualitative) and social communication. Several international organisations are working on the analysis and taxonomies related to green competences.

Green skills are the "the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes needed to live, work and act in economies and societies that seek to reduce the impact of human activity on the environment".

Skills for the green economy consist of:

  • transversal skills, linked to sustainable thinking and acting, relevant to all economic sectors and professions;
  • specific skills needed to adapt or implement standards, processes and services to protect ecosystems and biodiversity and reduce energy, materials and water consumption;
  • highly specialised skills needed to develop and implement green technologies such as renewable energy, wastewater treatment or recycling;

Skills for the green economy are also referred to as skills for green jobs, skills for the green transition or green skills.