SADC Qualifications Framework: review and way forward. Special TCCA meeting
Interpretation: English-French-Portuguese.
Read the Report "SADCQF Review and Way Forward" and the related "Inventory of NQFs in SADC" at the page SADC-ACQF Cooperation.
The focus areas to be discussed during the TCCA Meeting will include: Governance of SADCQF; Cooperation with the NQFs of SADC Member States; Digitisation – implications for qualifications frameworks; Comparability of qualifications: common profiles of qualifications; Level descriptors: comparisons; Micro-credentials: a general overview, reflections; Inputs for the Roadmap of SADCQC Implementation (2023-2026); Cooperation with ACQF-II project
- When May 11, 2023 09:00 AM to May 12, 2023 05:00 PM (UTC / UTC0)
- Where Radisson Blu Hotel, Sandton, Johannesburg
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More information, reports and agenda of the workshop at the page SADC-ACQF Cooperation.
Chair: representative of the Democratic Republic of Congo
Day 1: 11th May 2023
Time |
Activity, theme |
Facilitation, speaker |
Opening. Welcome Introduction of delegates |
Chairperson |
09.15-09.30 |
Attendance and apologies. Objectives and working methods of the workshop. Adoption of the agenda |
Chairperson |
09.30-11.00 Session 1 |
National Qualifications Frameworks in the SADC. Overview of main developments, new initiatives.
Brief introductory presentation: ETF expert Peer-sharing: all SADC member states |
11.00-11.15 |
Coffee break |
11.15-12.00 Session 2 |
SADC Review report. Presentation |
Expert |
12.00-13.00 Session 3 |
Governance of SADCQF. Examples of good practice in other regional frameworks (ex.: EQF). Proposals, interactive discussion |
Expert All delegates |
13.00-14.00 |
Lunch break. Family photo |
14.00-15.00 Session 4 |
Cooperation of NQFs with SADCQF. Linking, comparing, aligning, referencing. Rethinking the approach. Proposals, interactive discussion. |
Expert All delegates |
15.00-16.00 Session 5 |
Comparability of qualifications: common profiles of qualifications. Presentation. Discussion |
ETF expert All delegates |
16.00-17.00 Session 6 |
SADC ICT competency framework for teachers |
17.00 |
Coffee, tea, and networking |
Day 2: 12th May 2023
Time |
Activity, theme |
Facilitator, speaker |
09.00-09.15 |
Opening, agenda of the day |
Chairperson |
09.15-09.30 Session 7 |
Recapitulation of key topics and issues debated on day 1 |
Representative of Eswatini |
09.30-10.45 Session 8 |
Digitalisation and implications for NQFs. Digital registers of qualifications. Digital credentials for learning. Presentation. Interactive debate |
ETF expert. All delegates |
10.45-11.00 |
Coffee break |
11.00-12.00 Session 9 |
Level descriptors: SADCQF-ACQF Presentation. Interactive debate |
Expert All delegates |
12.00-13.00 Session 10 |
Micro-credentials: a global overview, trends. Presentation. Interactive debate |
Expert All delegates |
13.00-14.00 |
Lunch break |
14.00-15.45 Session 11 |
Inputs for the Roadmap of SADCQF. Introduction. Definition of main priorities. Discussion in working groups |
ETF expert All delegates |
15.45-16.15 Session 12 |
Presentation of proposals and inputs for the SADCQF Roadmap. |
All working groups |
16.15-16.40 |
ACQF-II project - overview of objectives and activities |
Expert |
16.40-17.00 Session 13 |
Conclusions, sum-up. Next steps. Next meeting. Closure |
SADC Secretariat. ETF expert. Chairperson |
17.00 |
Coffee, tea, and networking |
All delegates |