This ACQF Policy document was validated by the African Union Member States at the Addis Conference of 11-13 July 2023. The ACQF Policy Document defines the vision, policy objectives and main technical features of the ACQF, outlines the set of ACQF implementation modalities and instruments, and is accompanied by technical annexes, which form an integral part of the document. The ten ACQF Guidelines and related Training Modules support this policy document by defining technical and methodological foundations for implementation and dissemination by the competent entities. A synthesised version of the ten Guidelines is accessible as a separate document in form of a short ACQF Handbook .
10 Guidelines and Training Modules to support countries, regions and AUC implementing the ACQF. Themes of the 10 ACQF Guidelines: learning outcomes approaches, defining NQF levels, referencing between NQFs and ACQF, validation of learning (RPL, credit systems, recognition of qualifications), quality assurance of qualifications, registration and registers of qualifications, monitoring and evaluation of NQFs, communication, innovation and technology in qualifications frameworks. The 10th Guideline will be a companion for all countries in Africa starting their national reflection and roadmaps towards NQFs with a systemic vision.
The ACQF is conceived as a policy and instrument of continental scope to deliver on the objectives of enhanced transparency and comparability of qualifications and mutual trust between qualifications frameworks and systems for lifelong learning in Africa. The ACQF is defined as an overarching reference qualifications framework of ten levels, serving as a translation device between different qualifications frameworks or systems and their levels.
Analytical documents and Articles on ACQF Level descriptors
This report analyses the rationale for the ACQF for the continent, provides a synthesis of the panorama of qualifications and qualifications frameworks in Africa, proposes the three scenarios for ACQF and a plan of outputs until 2025.
Technical and policy dialogue meetings with Advisory Group ACQF and other networks.
Strategic policies of the African Union underpinning the ACQF