The main objective of the ACQF Network is to implement, sustain and strengthen the ACQF and its Qualifications and Credentials Platform (QCP), as policy instrument supporting transparency and comparability of qualifications and credentials of all types and levels, mobility of learners and workers, recognition of skills, qualifications and credentials, complementarities with national institutions in development of national qualifications frameworks and systems, referencing with qualifications frameworks in Africa and global cooperation.
ACQF sustainability: main goal
This Inception Document defining the goals, organisation and governance of the ACQF Network was discussed and validated by the countries actively cooperating in the context of the ACQF, in collaboration and partnership with ACQF-II project.
Version validé le 19/12/2024 - avec plan d'activités 2025
Versão validada a 19/12/2024, incluindo Plano de atividades 2025 para projeto piloto.