ACQF-II boosts activities in 2024

Planning of ACQF-II activities in 2024

Planning 2024

In 2024, the activities of the ACQF-II project will be based on the following aspects:

  1. Output 1.1: Capacity building, networking, communication:
    • Programme of Multi-Country Workshops and Webinars: see Tables 1 and 2.
    • X (ex-Twitter): ACQF account launched in April @ACQFAfrica
  2. Output 2.1: Support countries to develop their national qualifications frameworks and related policies
    • Focus on country-specific activities, in line with plans with all priority countries, including: Angola, DR Congo, Eswatini, Ghana, Mozambique, Senegal, Seychelles, Somalia, Sierra Leone. The portfolio of work with other countries, such as South Sudan, needs to be defined (April 2024). New countries, e.g. Gabon, are interested in getting closer to ACQF-II activities and networking.
    • Successful country missions, combining capacity-building workshops and guided strategic dialogue to define objectives and concepts, scope of work and roadmaps for agreed policy documents, were conducted in March 2024 in Ghana, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Seychelles.

The webpages of these workshops contain detailed information, presentations, and technical documents on each of the 2 workshops:

  1. Result 3.1: Governance, tools
    • African Qualifications Network: the first steps to set it up were taken during the Kinshasa Roundtable (10-14 November 2023), organised and funded by DR Congo (Ministry of TVET), with conceptual and technical support of ACQF-II. The AUC has provided high-level political support to this initiative and to the Network. The final communiqué containing the Recommendations of the Roundtable includes the establishment of the network and has been validated by the participating countries. According to the description of the action of ACQF-II (result 3.1) and the discussions held at the Addis Ababa Conference in July 2023, the Network will play a key role in ensuring the sustainability of ACQF-II and QCP. The ACQF-II will support the Network's annual meetings and other activities aligned with the ACQF-II implementation plan.
    • QCP (Qualifications and Credentials Platform). QCP development activities began in February, with a) proof of concept and b) baseline stakeholder needs analysis. These deliverables are expected until the end of April. Exchanges and initial research with countries started from the Maputo workshop, during the technical meeting on 07/12/2023. The kick-off webinar with stakeholders took place on 8 March. The second webinar (16 April) kicks off the QCP Steering Group and presents the preliminary results of the proof of concept and the basic analysis of stakeholder needs. The development and operationalization of the two-layered database of national-continental certifications is at the heart of the QCP, involving dimensions related to governance, IT development and the systematization of certifications in the countries concerned. The activities are implemented by a specialized consortium, and ACQF-II ensures synergies and complementarities with other ongoing and planned activities.
    • Activities related to complementarities with the Addis Ababa Recognition Convention (Outcome 3.1) and ACQF inventories (Outcome 3.1) are ongoing or have been completed (as of March 2024).
  2. Output 3.4 (Common profiles of qualifications)

The concept, methodology note and launch of the activities related with this output require discussion, to ensure that the vision of the ACQF-II coordination and the ACQF Policy Document is duly considered.

  • The starting point of development of the common profiles is based on labour market demand data. Development of data-driven occupational profiles uses the large database of Online Job Vacancies (OJV) of ETF project “Big Data for LMIS” – first results planned for end April 2024. Conceptual and technical requirements: ESCO database (skills and occupations), occupational profiles of ETF project Big Data for LMIS and the EU experience of common TVET core profiles. ACQF-II coordination is working closely with the contractor and addressed to the European Commission (VET Unit, DG EMPL) for information-sharing on similar activities conducted at EU level in 2021-2023.
  • Development of a concept and methodology note, building on the findings of the data-drive profiles and existing useful practices – will be stated in Quarter III 2024.
  1. Complementary research and webinars
    • On topics of high interest such as a) Green Skills, b) Micro-credentials, c) Digital certification, d) Recognition and trust in the context of digitalisation. Exploring the results of 3 ACQF-II surveys done in 2023 (NQF, Micro-credentials and RPL). These activities relate to Output 3.1, and support Outputs 1.1 and 2.1.
  2. Activities related to micro-credentials
    • a) applied research (Inventory of micro-credentials in Seychelles); b) capacity development (multi-country training workshop, in Seychelles, October 2024); c) Brief Handbook for practitioners.
    • Inventory of micro-credentials in Seychelles, in close cooperation with Seychelles Qualifications Authority and University of Seychelles. This inventory is designed, prepared, and administered by the contractor PPMI, and is planned to start in May. The analysis and reporting will be completed until beginning September. Provider: PPMI contract ACQF-II.
    • The findings of this Inventory will feed into the agenda of the planned Micro-credentials (MC) workshop, in Seychelles (Oct 2024). The agenda of the workshop is organised around the topics: MC - a global overview on main trends and practices; MC - status in Seychelles; Definition of MC; MC and NQF; MC and CATS, RPL; MC for LLL and employability; Key features of MC: mandatory, optional; Developing MC: guidelines; Stacking MC: guidelines; Accrediting and registering MC: guidelines; Register / market place of MC: ideas; A policy framework for MC - common principles. Provider: ETF event organisation mechanism.
    • The Micro-credentials Handbook for Practitioners will summarise important lessons from global practise in managing and developing micro-credentials for LLL and employability aligned to NQF and registers of qualifications, and providing trusted outcomes for society, employers and individuals. The handbook will build on findings from the ACQF-II micro-credentials survey and report (2024), EU policies, UNESCO and ETF publications, other relevant global experiences (New Zealand, Australia, Ireland, others). Provider: PPMI contract ACQF-II.
  3. On Green skills – towards a common view for Africa.

An ACQF-II pilot project will be launched with All Africa Students Union (Year 2 budget). This pilot project will include: a concept note for African stakeholders on greening qualifications frameworks and skills development policies and practices; a call for good practises in the education and training domain; awards for the most significant cases of good practise; information and communication campaign, infographic, videos; participation in ACQF-II workshops for dissemination and advocacy.  

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Table 1: Multi-country Workshops 2024



Event Nº

Event title

Dates - 2024

City, venue




TCCA SADCQF Annual Meeting

2 days: 09-10/May

Johannesburg, South Africa




Forum NQF Authorities and TVET: policy dialogue, progress report, training

3 days; 18-20/Jun

Kinshasa, RD Congo




New NQFs moving forward

2 days; 22-23/Aug

Luanda, Angola




Training Week – RPL for Practitioners

5 days; 16-20/Sept

Nairobi, Kenya




Micro-credentials workshop, training, experience-sharing, common approach

3 days; 23-25/Oct

Victoria, Seychelles




African Qualifications Network

2 days; Nov 2024





Table 2: Webinars 2024 (1st semester)



ACQF-II Experts

Guest experts, partners (indicative)

1.   NQFs in transformation and ecosystem components. Conducted

21 and 22 Febr


Organised by Global Quality Assurance Association

2.   Qualifications and Credentials Platform (QCP). Conducted

08 March


Cognizone consortium, ACQF-II, ACQF countries

3.   Qualifications and Credentials Platform (QCP). Launch of the Steering Group of QCP with the interested countries. Conducted

16 April


Cognizone consortium, ACQF-II, ACQF countries

4.   Capacity development – Seychelles stakeholders. Themes: RPL; Learning Outcomes. Conducted

17 and 18 April


ACQF-II, SQA and all NQF and CATS Stakeholders

5.   Capacity development – DR Congo stakeholders. Themes: RPL; Learning Outcomes; Micro-credentials; Social partnership in NQF development and implementation; Governance of NQF

Mid June


ACQF-II, TVET Ministry, Employers’ Federation of DR Congo, other ministries involved in education and training.

6.   Referencing to ACQF

Mid June


EQF AG; 3 pilot countries interested in referencing (ex.: South Africa, Kenya, Cabo Verde)

7.   Monitoring & Evaluation of NQFs and related policies. Series of 4 webinars.



JET Education services; KNQA, SAQA

8.   Common profiles of qualifications

End May


Lightcast; ESCO; PPMI

9.   New skills and qualifications: green skills, micro-credentials



HEC Mauritius; James Keevy (JET education services); Cedefop; ETF; PPMI; All-Africa Students Union

10. Digital certification – trust, recognition, and benefits for individuals



ENIC-NARIC; European Commission (EDCL); 2 pilot countries EDCL;

11. Quality assurance in the digital context of learning



Addis Recognition Convention Committee: Digital University Senegal and other African cases (to be identified); AfriQAN;


ECB: Eduarda Castel-Branco; JM: James Mwewa; OC: Olavo Correia, PW: Patrick Werquin


Version updated on 12th April 2024