3rd ACQF Forum: RPL for Practitioners
Objectives of the 3rd ACQF Forum
Main themes explored at the 3rd ACQF Forum (RPL):
- RPL in the ACQF context
- RPL in lifelong learning policies
- Theories underpinning RPL
- How to do RPL
- Quality assurance of RPL
- RPL process, step-by-step.
- RPL Kenya: policy and practice.
- ACQF implementation: referencing, QCP, Green Skills initiative, Micro-credentials initiative
Participants: 32 representatives from 20 African countries and 4 economic regions. 20 participants from Kenyan institutions. All participants are RPL practitioners and managers. Certificates of participation will be delivered.
Main sources for learning and information
- When Oct 01, 2024 06:00 AM to Oct 04, 2024 02:00 PM (UTC / UTC0)
- Where Hotel Fairview, Nairobi
- Contact Name Eduarda Castel-Branco
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East Africa Time (GMT+2)
Day 1: Understanding RPL through concepts, practices and benefits
- Chairpersons: Dr Alice Kande (KNQA), Eduarda Castel-Branco
- Faciltators team: Eduarda Castel-Branco (ACQF-II coordinator); Patrick Werquin (ACQF-II, RPL specialist), Stanley Maindi (KNQA)
Session 1: Opening.
Speakers: Cabinet Secretary of Ministry of Education; Principal Secretary in charge of TVET, Ministry of Education Kenya. Chief Executive Officer of KNQA. ACQF-II project coordinator.
- Official opening. Welcome.
- Objectives of the workshop
- Brief introduction of the participants
- Introduction of the facilitators
10.15-10.30: coffee break
Session 2: RPL in the context of ACQF-II.
Facilitator: Eduarda Castel-Branco
- In the ACQF Policy document and Guidelines
- In ACQF-II Research
- In Support to countries
- RPL – consistently address in all capacity development and knowledge-sharing activities
- Linkages with developments related to CATS and Micro-credentials
Session 3: RPL in lifelong learning policies
Facilitators: Eduarda Castel-Branco, Stanley Maindi (KNQA)
- What is RPL, and why it matters in Africa (R. Muteti)
- Short overview of RPL in African countries (SM)
- RPL for Lifelong learning, across sub-systems of education and training (ECB)
- Linkages RPL-NQF-CATS-Microcredentials (ECB)
Session 4A: Education and Training Theories underpinning RPL
Facilitator: Patrick Werquin
- Lifelong learning
- Constructivist Theory
- Experiential learning theory
- Situated learning theory
- Adult learning theory
- Transformative learning theory
- Equity and social justice
- Human capital theory
13.15-14.15: Lunch break. At the restaurant of Fairview Hotel
Session 4B: Implications for RPL of the theoretical underpinnings
Facilitator: Patrick Werquin
Session 5: Interaction, clarifications and resolutions
Facilitator: Stanley Maindi
- Short information-sharing on RPL policies and new developments from participating countries
- Questions and answers
- Exercices in groups : questions for reflection and solutions
16.30-16.45: Wrap-up of day 1. Agenda for day 2
Speakers: Mrs Olfa Laaribi (Tunisia). E. Castel-Branco.
Coffee break
Day 2: Understanding RPL in practice
Chairpersons: E. Castel-Branco and Samson Damptey (Ghana)
09.00-09.30: Welcome. Recap of day 1 - by two participants
Speakers: Mr Earnest Simelane (Eswatini); Ms Dazielle Laporte (Seychelles)
Session 6: How to do RPL – Rules for RPL practitioners
Facilitator: Patrick Werquin
- Guidance
- Centred on applicant / individual
- Fairness of assessment
- Equality, inclusiveness, diversity
- Accessibility
- Flexibility
- Assessment centred on outcomes (not on duration of training)
- Equal value and non-discrimination of certificates
- Transparent decisions of assessors
- Alternatives to failed applicants
- Post-RPL support (gap training and others)
11.00-11.15: Coffee break
Session 7: Implementation of RPL - Zooming in Quality Assurance and Monitoring and Evaluation of RPL
Facilitators: Patrick Werquin, Stanley Maindi, Eduarda Castel-Branco,
- Quality assurance in RPL: transparency, trust and impact (PW)
- Institutional requirements for quality of RPL (SM)
- Quality assurance systems and instruments supporting RPL. Overview. Good practice (PW)
- Importance of data in implementation of RPL (ECB)
- Monitoring and evaluation in RPL (ECB)
- Digital tools, database(s) supporting implementation of RPL (SM)
13.00-14.00: Lunch break
Session 8: RPL process - Step-by-step
Facilitators: Eduarda Castel-Branco, Patrick Werquin, Stanley Maindi
- RPL process: identification-documentation-assessment-certification (and similar typologies) - ECB
- Initial information and guidance - SM
- Administrative registration - SM
- Application, screening and eligibility - PW
- Preparation of the final assessment - PW
- Final assessment of learning outcomes - PW
- Certification of learning outcomes - PW
- Examples - ECB
Session 8: Interaction and clarifications
Facilitators: Eduarda Castel-Branco, Stanley Maindi
- Questions, discussion, exercices in groups
16.45-16.55: Wrap-up. Agenda of day 3
Speakers: Laurent Ndaywel (DR Congo). E. Castel-Branco
Day 3: RPL process in-depth. The RPL experience of Kenya
Chairpersons: E. Castel-Branco and João Dias (Cabo Verde)
09.00-09.30: Welcome. Recap of day 2 - by 2 participants
Speakers: Molise Nhlapo (Lesotho), Antonieta Fernandes (Angola)
Session 9: RPL process. Step: Information, guidance, registration, screening.
Facilitators: Patrick Werquin, Stanley Maindi (KNQA)
- Zooming in the steps - Information, guidance, registration, screening. PW
- Good practice. SM
- PW - SM
Session 10: RPL process. Step: Assessment
Facilitator: Patrick Werquin, Stanley Maindi (KNQA)
- Zooming in the steps – Assessment. PW
- Good practices. SM
- PW - SM
11.30-11.45: coffee break
Session 11: RPL process. Zooming in the step – Certification. Good practice. Challenges
Facilitator: Patrick Werquin
- Zooming in the step – Certification. PW
- Good practice. SM
- PW - SM
Session 12: Interaction and clarifications
Facilitators: Eduarda Castel-Branco, Stanley Maindi
- Questions, discussion, proposals for further RPL activities
12.45-13.40: Lunch break
Departure to Kabete National Polytechnic: 13.45h
Session 13: RPL in Kenya
Facilitators: KNQA. Polytechnics. Local institutions
- RPL Policy and practice
- New demands and perspectives
- Linkages with CATS, micro-credentials
- Good practice from different Polytechnics
- Success factors for RPL in Kenya
- Digitalisation of RPL services, data and analytics.
- Emerging impacts
Session 14: Conclusions. Recommendations on RPL activities.
Facilitators: KNQA; AASU; ACQF-II (Eduarda Castel-Branco)
Coffee break
Day 4: Implementing the ACQF: focus on Referencing, Qualifications and Credentials Platform, country developments. Green skills
Chairpersons: E. Castel-Branco and Albert Sheku (Sierra Leone)
Session 15: Overview of ACQF implementation. Progress, plans. Green skills initiative. Micro-credentials initiative.
Facilitator: Eduarda Castel-Branco
Session 16: Use of Big Data and AI in Green Skills anticipation and qualifications management (online presentation)
Topic 1: Measuring Green Skills and Jobs. A data-driven approach – data from African countries, based on employers’ demand.
Topic 2: Using AI in strategic management and comparison of qualifications.
Facilitator: Eduarda Castel-Branco.
Speaker: Mauro Pelucchi, Data science specialist, Global Data analyst at Lightcast.
10.45-11.00: coffee break
Session 17: Referencing to ACQF. Reports from 5 pilot countries – draft 2. Comparison. Discussion. Pending issues. Conclusions
Facilitator: Eduarda Castel-Branco.
Speakers: ARES (Cabo Verde), KNQA (Kenya) SQA (Seychelles), SAQA (South Africa), ZAQA (Zambia)
Session 18: Referencing to ACQF. Reports from new pilot countries – draft 1. Discussion
Facilitator: Eduarda Castel-Branco
Speakers: EQA (Eswatini); HEC (Lesotho); Zimbabwe. Others: to be confirmed
13.30-14.30: Lunch break
Session 19: ACQF Qualifications and Credentials Platform – training 3
Facilitators: Team Cognizone Consortium
Session 20: Closing session
Facilitators: KNQA, ACQF-II
- Final conclusions and recommendations
- Distribution of participation certificates.
- Closure
Coffee break
Contact: Eduarda Castel-Branco, ecb@etf.europa.eu