Meeting 2025 of the Technical Committee on Certification and Accreditation (TCCA) | SADC Secretariat
In 2020-2022 ACQF carried out 15 Peer Learning Webinars in which 32 national and regional cases from Africa and 12 from other regions of the world (Europe, Asia, Middle East) were shared and discussed. The 2 "ACQF Training Weeks" (April and September 2022) generated a rich knowledge base reflected in over 50 presentations on all key topics. In 2023-2024 ACQF-II conducted a total of 10 multi-country workshops in different cities (2023: Johannesburg, Addis, Nairobi, Accra, Maputo; 2024: Johannesburg, Kinshasa, Luanda, Nairobi and Seychelles) and 10 country-specific workshops (Bissau, Accra, Kinshasa, Seychelles, Dakar, Eswatini, Maputo, Freetown, Nairobi) generating knowledge products on new themes (green and digital skills, micro-credentials, Qualifications and Credentials Platform (QCP), referencing to ACQF, NQF Network Africa and others.
Meeting 2025 of the Technical Committee on Certification and Accreditation (TCCA) | SADC Secretariat
Resolution of Technical Working Group (TWG) Members’ Comments on the Proposed Revised ZQF Level Descriptors, Qualifications Map and the Access, Mobility and Progression Chart
Botswana’s National Qualifications Framework (the National Credit and Qualifications Framework) is at the stage of advanced implementation and review. Its coordinating institution, the Botswana Qualifications Authority, seeks constant improvement of and innovation in the country’s qualification system.
Building Stakeholder Capacity for Effective Implementation of the SNCATS and Brainstorming on Micro-credentials Policy/ Criteria Development and Implementation Scenarios
This workshop was designed for QCP Contact Persons from each participating country.
O Gabinete do QNQ da Guiné-Bissau (instituído pelo Despacho 066/GM/2024, de 22/10/2024, do Governo da Guiné-Bissau) com apoio do Projeto ACQF-II - realiza durante o mês de março de 2025 um ciclo de WEBINARS DE DESENVOLVIMENTO DE COMPETÊNCIAS, no âmbito do Apoio à Implementação do Quadro Nacional de Qualificações da Guiné-Bissau.
The NQF Office of Guinea-Bissau (established by Order 066/GM/2024, of 22/10/2024, of the Government of Guinea-Bissau) with the support of the ACQF-II Project will hold during the month of March 2025 a cycle of SKILLS DEVELOPMENT WEBINARS, within the scope of Support for the Implementation of the National Qualifications Framework of Guinea-Bissau.
Second Dialogue and Capacity Building Workshop (hybrid) | 23-25 February 2025