Site map
An overview of the available content on this site. Keep the pointer still over an item for a few seconds to get its description.
- About
- ACQF Network
- Referencing to ACQF
- NQF Inventory
Surveys ACQF-II: NQF, RPL, Micro-credentials
- Survey of National Qualifications Frameworks in Africa: analytical report
- NQF Survey 2024 - Summary Report Infographic
- Micro-credentials in Africa: results of the survey 2024. Full report.
- Micro-credentials: summary of the survey results (2024)
- Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) in Africa: full report.
- RPL: Summary of survey results (2024)
- Seychelles Micro-Credentials Survey Report - analytical report
Mapping Study
- School Curriculum Mapping Report. Mapping curriculum frameworks and practices in Africa: creating baseline evidence (2022)
- School Curriculum Mapping Report - Synthesis report. EN (2022)
- Rapport de cartographie sur curriculum et programmes scolaires - rapport de synthèse - FR (2022)
- School Curriculum Mapping Report. Mapping curriculum frameworks and practices in Africa - Infographic (2022)
- Guiné-Bissau: country mapping report (2022). Relatório de mapeamento de preparação para o QNQ
- 12 NQFs in Africa: key features (2022)
- ACQF Mapping Report - comprehensive (EN)
- ACQF Mapping Report - comprehensive (FR)
- ACQF Mapping Report - comprehensive (PT)
- ACQF Mapping Report - synthesis
- ACQF relatório do estudo de mapeamento - síntese (PT)
- Snapshot - infographic of the ACQF Mapping study
- Snapshot - Infografia Panorâmica sumária do estudo de mapeamento (PT)
- Angola country report - ACQF Mapping
- Angola country report - ACQF Mapping (PT)
- Cape Verde: Snapshot on the National Qualifications System and NQF. Working Paper (2022)
- Cape Verde country report - UPDATE 2021
- Cape Verde country report
- Cape Verde country report (PT)
- Cameroon country report
- Cameroun country report (FR)
- Côte d'Ivoire country report (FR)
- East African Community report
- ECOWAS report
- Egypt country report
- Kenya country report - ACQF Mapping
- Morocco country report - UPDATE 2021
- Morocco country report
- Maroc rapport national - FR
- Mozambique national report
- Moçambique - relatório nacional (PT)
- Nigeria country report
- Ethiopia country report
- Senegal national report
- Senegal rapport national (2020)
- South Africa country report
- Togo country report
- Togo rapport national (FR)
- Southern African Development Community (SADC) - regional report
- Southern African Development Community (SADC) - relatório regional (PT)
- Southern African Development Community (SADC) - rapport regional (FR)
- Policy & Guidelines
- Recognition of Prior Learning
- Micro-credentials
- ACQF Research
- Library
Capacity Development
Webinars & Workshops
- ACQF 10th Peer Learning Webinar
- ACQF 9th Peer Learning Webinar
- ACQF 8th Peer Learning Webinar
- ACQF 7th Peer Learning Webinar
- ACQF 6th Peer Learning Webinar
- ACQF 5th Peer Learning Webinar
- ACQF 4th Peer Learning Webinar
- ACQF 3rd Peer Learning Webinar
- ACQF 2nd Peer Learning Webinar
- ACQF 1st Peer Learning Webinar
- ACQF 11th Peer Learning Webinar
- ACQF 12th Peer Learning Webinar
- 13th Peer Learning Webinar - focus on Recognition of Prior Learning
- 14th Peer Learning Webinar - RPL / VAE / RVCC (RCA)
- 15th Peer Learning webinar - Recognition of Prior Learning: regional and national approaches and practice
- Training Programme: Skills and qualifications - towards better frameworks and systems for people's lifelong learning
- 2nd Training Week 5-9 September 2022: Skills, Qualifications and Frameworks for Mutual Trust in a Changing World
- Final Webinar: looking back and leap forward
- SADC Qualifications Framework: review and way forward. Special TCCA meeting
- SADC TVET Symposium 2023
- Inaugural event ACQF-II: 11-13 July 2023, headquarters of the African Union, Addis
- Rumo ao QNQ da Guiné-Bissau - Towards NQF in Guiné-Bissau
- Nairobi: Making National Qualifications Frameworks (NQF) operational in a changing world (part I)
- Towards Eswatini RPL Policy and Guidelines: RPL training workshop
- Accra: Making Qualifications Frameworks operational in a changing world (Part II)
- Maputo: Making Qualifications Frameworks operational in a changing world (part III) - Annual Conference
- The Freetown NQF Training Workshop (Part I)
- Ghana Develops Ecosystem of Comprehensive NQF-RPL-CATS
- Développer le Cadre National des Qualifications et des Certifications (CNQC) de la République Démocratique du Congo
- Developing Seychelles National CATS Policy and Guidelines
- Qualifications and Credentials Platform: 2nd meeting - Steering Group
- Sénégal développe le Cadre National des Certifications
- SADCQF: annual meeting TCCA 2024
- Seychelles - reflections and discoveries on RPL and Learning Outcomes
- Moçambique: Desenvolver o sistema de monitoria e avaliação do QNQ. Novos temas para o Quadro Nacional de Qualificações
- Forum of National Qualifications Frameworks' institutions (Continental workshop) - Kinshasa - information in English
- Forum des institutions des Cadres Nationaux des Certifications (Atelier continental) - Information en Français
- Sierra Leone-ACQF-II: a decisive step forward towards the NQF - capacity development programme (Part II)
- Eswatini develops the National Policy for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) - in cooperation with ACQF-II
- Training Program with INQ Angola - Jornada da Formação INQ-ACQF-II
- 2nd NQF Forum - 2ème Fórum CNC - 2º Fórum QNQ - LUANDA, Angola (5-6 September 2024)
- 3rd ACQF Forum: RPL for Practitioners
- Angola, INQ: Apoio à Preparação da Implementação dos referenciais do Catálogo Nacional de Qualificações Profissionais (CNQP)
- Monitoring and Evaluation in the context of Qualifications Frameworks / ACQF
- Seychelles - National Credit Accummulation and Transfer System (SNCATS): Policy and Guidelines
- 4th ACQF Forum: Micro-credentials for better opportunities
- Sierra Leone: Policy planning webinar – focus on RPL and CATS
- Somalia: Developing NQF-RPL-CATS Policies. Policy dialogue and capacity development workshop
- QCP Training Programme - QCP Contact Persons
- ACQF 2024: Celebrating Progress
- Review of the Zambia Qualifications Framework (ZQF): Technical Working Group Workshops - 23-24 January 2025
Training Modules and Handbooks
- Micro-Credentials Handbook
- Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) - Handbook for RPL Practitioners
- Manual de Apoio à Implementação de Cursos e Qualificações do Catálogo Nacional de Qualificações de Angola
- Handbook on Competence-Based Training (CBT)
- Training Modules 1 to 10_ENGLISH
- Modules de formation 1 - 10 (FRANÇAIS)
- Módulos de formação 1-10 (Português)
- Presentations (PPT) for the Training Courses (ENGLISH)
- Présentations (PPT) pour les programmes de formation (FRANÇAIS)
- Apresentações (PPT) para os programas de formação ACQF (PORTUGUÊS)
- Conferences
Cooperation with Regions & Countries
- SADC-ACQF Cooperation
- African TVET Round Table and African Qualifications Network
- IGAD Qualifications Framework: experience-sharing with ACQF
- Supporting the NQF development process in Guiné-Bissau. NQF Concept Document. Mapping report. Training Handbook, Presentations, Methodological Guide on Qualifications Development
- Mozambique builds capacities on National Qualifications Framework, with ACQF contributions
- Supporting Mauritius developing the National Credit Value and Transfer System - concept note and roadmap and two stakeholders consultation webinars
- Early reflection or consolidating the NQF
Thematic Briefs
- ACQF Thematic Brief 1: concepts and definitions
- ACQF Thematic Brief 2: competences frameworks
- ACQF Thematic Brief 3.1: level descriptors
- ACQF Thematic Brief 4.1: Regional qualifications frameworks (RQF)
- ACQF Thematic Brief 6.1: TVET Quality Assurance
- ACQF Thematic Brief 8: Qualifications Frameworks in a changing world
- ACQF Thematic Brief 9: Competence-Based Training (CBT) - a brief overview
- ACQF Thematic Brief 10: ACQF level descriptors - the story of the development journey
- ACQF Thematic Brief 11: governance of NQFs / NQS
- ACQF Thematic Brief 13. Micro-credentials: concepts, debates, experiences – towards a common understanding in different parts of the world
- ACQF Thematic Brief 14: Recognition of Prior Learning gives us wings for transitions to decent work, learning and social activity.
- ACQF Capacity Development Programme_Concept 2021-2022
- Technical Notes
- Networks
- Video Learning Materials
- Gallery: ACQF video and photos
Webinars & Workshops
- Skills data focus
Qualifications Platform (QCP)
QCP Training: Modules and Presentations
- QCP Capacity Development Plan
- T0_Training Unit_Introduction to QCP Training Manual
- T1_Training Unit 1: Qualifications Databases - purpose and users
- T2_Training Unit 2: Role of qualifications databases in the international context
- T3_Training Unit 3: Mapping and Standardising Qualifications Data
- T4_Training Unit 4: Integrating Learning Outcomes into Qualifications Databases
- T5_Training Unit 5: Structured data, data standards and interoperability
- T6_Training Unit 6: Policy benefits and use cases
- PPT_QCP Training 1_Kinshasa Forum_20 June 2024
- PPT_QCP Training 2_Luanda Forum_06 Sept 2024
- PPT_QCP Training: Data Collection - session 1_27 Sept 2024
- PPT_QCP Training 3_Skills Learning Outcomes Structured Data_Nairobi Forum_4 Oct 2024
- PPT_QCP Training 4_Seychelles Forum_14 Nov 2024
- PPT_Training session 1 for QCP Contact Persons (26/Nov 2024)_Theme: QCP in the ACQF Policy and Work Plan
- PPT Training session 1 for QCP Contact Persons 26/Nov 2024
- PPT Training session 2 for QCP Contact Persons (04/Dec 2024) - the 2 Mocks-Ups; Mapping 2 real qualifications to the Data Model
- QCP Development and preparation to launch implementation: Progress Report 2024. Approved 17 December 2024
- Leaflet on the Qualifications and Credentials Platform (QCP)
- Concept Note on the Steering Group of the QCP
- Qualifications and Credentials Platform: Architecture Report
- Qualifications and Credentials Platform: Baseline Analysis Report - Stakeholders' needs
- Data fields: simplified view - creation of a qualification in QCP
- Data fields: detailed view - creation of a qualification in QCP (Excel file)
- Mock-up QCP UI Public Interface: view for desktop
- QCP Template Data Collection_Mapping Qualifications
QCP Training: Modules and Presentations
- Events
- African Continental Qualifications Framework Advisory Group very active
- 10 ACQF Guidelines are in development
- ACQF Peer Learning Webinars continue in 2021
- African Qualifications Verification Network (AQVN) activates knowledge-sharing
- Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) gains momentum in different parts of Africa
- Regional Qualifications Frameworks (RQFs) are enablers of regional integration
- Qualifications and qualifications frameworks: getting definitions and terminology right
- Association of Technical Universities and Polytechnics in Africa - a Champion of ACQF
- 12th ACQF Peer Learning Webinar confirmed: 28/10/2021
- ACQF Peer Learning Webinars programme 2021 successfully completed
- Kenya develops and expands Recognition of Prior Learning for the benefit of millions of young people, artisans and small businesses
- East Africa develops regional TVET qualification framework
- Africa Creates Jobs Conference (3-4 November 2021): presentation of ACQF website
- NQF in action, not in paper. Kenya takes the NQF to the People.
- RPL / VAE / RVCC webinars start soon! Join on 18 February, 03 and 24 March 2022. Eleven cases from Africa and Europe
- Recognition of Prior Learning gives us wings
- RPL discussed in Peer Learning Webinars! From Invisible to Visible: all learning in life and work is valuable and can be recognised - 24/03/2022
- ACQF Level Descriptors: reflections, development methods, principles.
- ACQF Guidelines and Training Modules – the technical foundation supporting the ACQF policy document
- Training Programme: Skills and qualifications - towards better frameworks and systems for people's lifelong learning
- Micro-Credentials and Individual Learning Accounts
- New National Qualifications Frameworks emerging on the continent
- Agenda 2063: Second Continental Report on the Implementation of Agenda 2063
- Getting closer! 2nd ACQF Training Week! 5-9 September 2022, Johannesburg
- ACQF development moving forward
- Micro-credentials. The lure of micro credentials: implications for the African Continental Qualifications Framework. By: James Keevy.
- Progress and Challenges of the Development Process of the National Qualifications Framework of Mozambique. By: Jeffy Mukora
- Comparison of the ACQF and SADCQF: initial thoughts. By: Coleen Jaftha
- ACQF-II project started! Supporting implementation of the ACQF.
- SADC TVET Symposium 2023 very active: meeting on 8-9 May. News article by: Eduarda Castel-Branco
- SADCQF: Regional Qualifications Framework boosting its potential - meeting on 11-12 May 2023. News article by: Eduarda Castel-Branco
- France_CNC_webinaire 22122020 CNC Maroc_2_0.pdf
- ACQF Website_ACJ Conference_FINAL_Share2.pdf
- RPL / VAE / RVCC webinars start soon! Join on 18 February, 03 and 24 March 2022. Seven cases from Africa and Europe
- African Continental Qualifications Framework (ACQF) is validated, and implementation started
- Capacity Development and networking programme 2023 - “Making National Qualifications Frameworks (NQF) operational in a changing world.”
- News on National Qualifications Frameworks in Africa: Mozambique moving forward with instruments supporting implementation. By: Dr. Jeffy Mukora.
- ACQF-II project - brief activity report 2023
- ACQF-II boosts activities in 2024
- Le projet ACQF-II amplifie les activités en 2024 - niveaux pays et continent
- ACQF Qualifications and Credentials Platform: in brief
- New ACQF-II Survey Maps Policies on Recognition of Prior Learning across African Countries.
- Micro-credentials. Exploring the Dynamics of Micro-Credentials: Insights from Across African States.
- Seychelles - develops national Credit Accumulation and Transfer System. Article by: James Mwewa - ACQF-II expert.
- Ghana Credit Accumulation and Transfer System gains momentum. By: James Mwewa, ACQF-II expert.
- ACQF recognised as a Good Practice of South-South and Triangular Cooperation for SDG-4 (UN Publication)
- Comparison between European Qualifications Framework and the National National Qualifications Framework of the Republic of Cabo Verde. News article by: Eduarda Castel-Branco
- Strengthening the link between the NQF and quality assurance arrangements. By: Andrea Bateman
- National Qualifications Frameworks in Africa: ACQF Survey 2024 - Report highlights main features and trends
- Luanda hosts the 2nd NQF Forum on 5-6 Sept 2024
- Cooperation for better recognition of qualifications in Africa - synergies and complementarities between ACQF and UNESCO Recognition Conventions. Article by: James Mwewa, expert ACQF-II team
- Factsheet ACQF-II Updated - report of all activities (May 2023 - 05/December 2024)
- Conclusions of ACQF Forums 2024
- How can Africa take a leading role in harnessing the potentialities of micro-credentials for the green and digital transformation and for better opportunities for all? By: Prof. Carlos Mataruca, CNAQ, Mozambique
- Seychelles workshop_banner.pdf
- Comment l'Afrique peut-elle jouer un rôle de leader dans l'exploitation des micro-certifications? By: Mr Laurent Ndaywel, R.D. Congo
- Seychelles Qualifications Authority (SQA) - at Panel session of ACQF 2024 final webinar (20/12/2024)
- Instituto Nacional de Qualificações (INQ) de Angola impulsiona implementação do Quadro Nacional de Qualificações (QNQ) e seu Catálogo.
- Angola's National Institute of Qualifications (INQ) promotes the implementation of the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) and its Catalogue
- Cooperação INQ Angola-ACQF-II (2024): impulsionar o impacto do QNQ de Angola
- The new "ACQF Micro-credentials Handbook" is for you!
- New Seychelles NQF Regulation launched!
- Somalia Scores a “Hat-Trick”: Elaborates NQF, RPL, CATS Policies
- Jeunesse, employabilité, qualifications - un cheval de bataille pour un Gabon prospère