Site map
An overview of the available content on this site. Keep the pointer still over an item for a few seconds to get its description.
- About
- ACQF Network
- Resources
Capacity Development
- Webinars & Workshops
Training Modules and Handbooks
- Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) - Handbook for RPL Practitioners
- Handbook on Competence-Based Training (CBT)
- Training Modules 1 to 10_ENGLISH
- Modules de formation 1 - 10 (FRANÇAIS)
- Módulos de formação 1-10 (Português)
- Presentations (PPT) for the Training Courses (ENGLISH)
- Présentations (PPT) pour les programmes de formation (FRANÇAIS)
- Apresentações (PPT) para os programas de formação ACQF (PORTUGUÊS)
- Conferences
Cooperation with Regions & Countries
- SADC-ACQF Cooperation
- African TVET Round Table and African Qualifications Network
- IGAD Qualifications Framework: experience-sharing with ACQF
- Supporting the NQF development process in Guiné-Bissau. NQF Concept Document. Mapping report. Training Handbook, Presentations, Methodological Guide on Qualifications Development
- Mozambique builds capacities on National Qualifications Framework, with ACQF contributions
- Supporting Mauritius developing the National Credit Value and Transfer System - concept note and roadmap and two stakeholders consultation webinars
- Early reflection or consolidating the NQF
- Thematic Briefs
- Technical Notes
- Networks
- Video Learning Materials
- Gallery: ACQF video and photos
- Skills data focus
- Qualifications Platform (QCP)
- Events
- News