A selection of photos of the TVET Round Table at the Palais du Peuple, in Kinshasa.
A selection of photos of the TVET Round Table at the Palais du Peuple, in Kinshasa.
The ACQF is a policy instrument of the African Union and its Member States. The ACQF supports transparency and comparability of qualifications of all levels and sub-sectors, contributes to develop NQFs and related policies in the member states, and cooperates with countries and regions on initiatives tuned with the wider objectives of CESA-25, Agenda 2063 and global mutual understanding on education, skills and qualifications. The ACQF Qualifications and Credentials Platform will be a game changer towards greater transparency, clarity and information sharing on qualifications across countries.
La confiance des parties prenantes dans les systèmes de formation et les certifications est fondamentale pour assurer la mobilité des apprenants, diplômés et travailleurs. L'assurance qualité (AQ) est à la base de la transparence des certifications, de la portabilité des compétences et de la reconnaissance des diplômes et certificats entre pays. Le Sénégal établit des complementarités entre politiques et pratiques d'AQ au niveau national avec les principes et actions de la mise en oeuvre de la Convention d'Addis de Reconnaissance des certifications. Tous en bénéficient: les pays, les individus, les employeurs et la communauté éducation et formation.
While there has been continued growth in green jobs for the past four years, reskilling and upskilling towards green skills is not keeping pace. TVET, NQFs and ACQF have a responsibility to ensure that Green Skills are placed at the core of reforms and reviews of curricula, training modules and qualifications.To compensate for expected job losses, global efforts to decarbonize in response to the climate crisis are giving rise to a wealth of green jobs across sectors and industries. A green-recovery scenario could generate around 3.5% of additional global GDP growth and a net employment gain of 9 million new jobs each year, according to International Energy Agency data. The green transition could create 30 million jobs globally in clean energy, efficiency and low-emissions technologies by 2030.
SAQA and the Quality Councils have transformed the SA NQF in a World Class NQF, with ambitious goals related to transparency, credibility, quality of qualifications at all levels of the NQF, supporting articulation of different forms for lifelong learning and progression and contributing to social justice. The set of concepts, policies and implementation instruments of the SA NQF and SAQA continue to evolve as the Rainbow Nation embraces new demands related with the wider social and technological transformation and the NQF is asked to deliver relevant impact.
La valeur ajoutée de la Plateforme de Mutualisation des Ressources et Outils en Formation soutenue par l'UEMOA est inestimable. Le Cadre de Concertation des Ministres en charge de l'Emploi et Formation Professionnelle de l'Espace UEMOA assure la base institutionnelle de cette intiative. Les pays Africains ont developpé, testé et mis en application un vaste volume de réformes, méthodes, solutions contextualisées avec le but de booster les performances des systèmes EFTP et la croissance des compétences pertinentes pour l'emploi et entreprenariat dans tous les secteurs. L'impact des réformes et des mesures de mise en oeuvre n'est pas toujours satisfaisant, ou pas analysé. Ainsi, il est fondamental de soutenir et multiplier le partage des (bonnes) pratiques entre pays, par le biais des outils de mutualisation des acquis, législation, méthodes, référentiels, solutions contextualisées.
Deputy Minister for Technical Education presented the justification of the TVET reforms in Egypt, based on 5 pillars: Quality assurance, Competency based curricula, Teacher Training, Involvement of Private sector investors, Enhancement of social image of graduates.
The experts discussed the issues and elaborated 17 Recommendations to the TVET Ministers. The Recommendations are grouped in 2 Clusters: 1) Recommendations of Strategic nature; 2) Recommendations of technical and operational nature. Document in English and French.