Monitoring and evaluation in the context of NQF / ACQF: Indicators - digital tool (Prototype)

This prototype of the digital tool supporting Monitoring and Evaluation helps institutions, countries develop their own indicators related with the implementation of the NQF. The digital tool will be developed and disseminated to all interested countries (from 2023).




Monitoring and Evaluation in the context of ACQF: digital tool - Prototype


Type: Google Sheet

Access: Open to the public for viewing

Use: A copy will need to be made to another Google Sheet so that the user can edit his/her own version. A copy can also be downloaded into MS Excel.

The indicators prototype tool is designed to consolidate reporting information from member states involved in the ACQF process. It is composed of six sheets, and a dashboard which provides a summary of the monitoring data collected for an NQF and aggregated to member state Level. The tool is based on monitoring and evaluation principles, with the purpose of building a shared understanding of monitoring activities that are of a routine nature.  The use of the tool is based on four reflective questions:

  1. What are some of the reasons why it is important to collect monitoring data?
  2. Who needs to be engaged and what needs to be done to ensure buy-in to monitoring the development and implementation of an NQF or RQF?
  3. Who will use the monitoring information?
  4. What will the monitoring information be used for?

The digital tool can consolidate information collected from a range of sources within each member state, into one digital tool for reporting to the ACQF. It  could be modified further in future as considerations are given to the most feasible way of collecting, collating and reporting on data collected at country level and at ACQF level.

Instructions for use of prototype

This workbook is a prototype for the development of a digital tool that will consolidate reporting information for ACQF member states. It is composed of six sheets, and a dashboard which provides a summary of the monitoring data collected for an NQF and aggregated to Member State Level.

  1. The first tab (Indicators) includes a consolidated list of indicators, definitions of the indicators which explain what is being measured, how often the data should be collected and by who.
  2. The second tab (NQF) has extracted the relevant indicators from the first tab to be measured at NQF level. This information can be reported to Member States, for reporting to the ACQF.
  3. The third tab (AU Member State) includes the same information but is specifically to be collected and reported at Member State level, and indicators require data to be collected from multiple sources within the education and training sub-systems. This data would be collected at various levels for reporting to the ACQF.
  4. The fourth tab (Validation Suggestions) provides instructions and guidelines for the development of a digital tool for monitoring and reporting. This digital tool would allow for automated data collation, analysis and reporting to the ACQF. The validation suggestions are proposed to minimise potential for data entry error, duplication and to allow for aggregation of reported data at specified intervals.
  5. The fifth tab (Digital tool NQF) is the tool that would be programmed to enable reporting on NQF indicators in an automated way.
  6. The sixth tab (Digital tool Member State) has the same purpose as the fifth tab and would also provide the basis for programming the tool for reporting.

The digital tool will consolidate information collected from a range of sources within each Member State, into one digital tool for reporting to the ACQF.

This tool has been shared as part of the ACQF Training Week in South Africa in September 2022. During the session, participants provided feedback on the indicators and the feasibility of collecting and reporting. These indicators will remain as is, recognising that some remain aspirational and will become relevant as each Member State develops and monitors implementation of their NQF.