The Synthesis Guideline offers a short overview of the main Guideline 5 on Quality Assurance. Main themes: quality assurance supporting trust, transparency and mobility of qualifications; quality assurance in the context of referencing to ACQF; quality assurance frameworks in other international regional contexts; a proposal of quality assurance framework for TVET qualifications.
ACQF Guideline 5: Quality Assurance in the context of qualifications and ACQF
Transparency and trust in qualifications is key in a context of widespread international learner and labour mobility, and rapid transformation of types of qualifications and credentials for different needs and contexts of lifelong learning. Quality assurance – as part of a range of measures by governments and institutions – increases transparency and should underpin trust in the relevance and quality of learning outcomes (that is, learners’ knowledge, skills, autonomy, and responsibility, as certified by qualifications). Such trust in learning outcomes is, in turn, based on trust in the quality of the institutions and providers of education and training at all levels and in all subsectors.