Relatório de mapeamento do sistema de qualificações da Guiné-Bissau (PT) - Baseline Mapping Report on the qualifications system in Guiné-Bissau
This baseline mapping report provides an overview of the national context and structure of the current education and training system, highlights the policy underpinnings of the future NQF and proposes a draft roadmap for development of the NQF.
Baseline analysis - Mapping of the national qualifications system
Guiné-Bissau started the NQF development process, in accordance with the objectives of the Plano Sectorial de Educação 2017-2025. The NQF process started in cooperation with ACQF project involved awareness raising and training, policy dialogue, and a baseline analysis to map the state-of-play of the qualifications system, its significant issues and challenges and opportunities for the NQF.
The report refers to global developments of NQFs, with emphasis on initiatives in Africa. This mapping report was presented and discussed with the national authorities and international partners active in the domain of qualifications in the Guiné-Bissau.