Accra Workshop: Part II of the ACQF-II training programme 2023. Focus on NQF components, instruments, governance. Green skills. Digitalisation of NQFs. Lifelong learning. Credit systems. Articulation. Recognition of qualifications.
Previous Events
Capacity Development and networking programme 2023: programme of 3 workshops - in Nairobi, Accra, Maputo. The training program of the project ACQF-II in 2023 contributes to enhance knowledge and understanding on the development and operationalization of NQFs: moving from initial ideas to policies, and from policies to action. Refer to the Agenda for all details. Start-end: 09.00 - 17.00 East Africa time.
This workshop is co-organised by Eswatini Qualifications Authority (EQA) and the ACQF-II project. It gathers representatives from public institutions, education and training community, professional bodies and social partners. The workshop is part of the technical visit to Eswatini, focused on identification and discussion of major features of the future RPL Policy and Guidelines.
The 2nd national workshop on the NQF development process takes place from 31/July to 4/August 2023, in Bissau. The workshop gathers the members of the NQF working group and other key stakeholders. The draft NQF Concept document was discussed, agreed and prepared for finalisation. The action plan until June 2024 was agreed, with concrete steps towards the NQF Policy Document.
The project ACQF-II supports implementation of the main areas of activity defined in the ACQF Policy Document (final version of 17 November 2022, section 3.4), thereby establishing the basis for sustainable and effective functioning of the ACQF as a policy instrument. The project ACQF-II builds on the policy and technical basis developed by the first phase of the ACQF project (2019-2022). The event is hybrid and multilingual (English-French-Portuguese).
Meeting of Technical Committee on Certification and Accreditation (TCCA) to discuss the review and next steps for further development and implementation of the SADCQF. Implementation of the SADC Qualifications Framework started in 2016, and in 2021 SADC Secretariat and with expertise of the European Training Foundation (ETF), conducted a study to review the status of implementation and identify areas for further improvement of the SADCQF. This study was part of the research activities of the Project “Developing the African Continental Qualifications Framework (ACQF-I)”. The findings of the study were discussed at two TCCA meetings (November 2021 and April 2022) and presented to the annual Joint Ministerial meeting (Education and Training, Science Technology and Innovation) held in Malawi in June 2022.
The SADC TVET Symposium 2023 is convened on 8-9 May, in Johannesburg to promote TVET as an integral part of efforts to enhance skills and employability and ultimately sustainable and inclusive development in a context of accelerated transformation. The Symposium is organised by SADC Secretariat in cooperation with the project ACQF-II implemented by the European Training Foundation (ETF), and with expert contribution of ILO and UNESCO.
This webinar sums-up the activities and outputs of the ACQF project, and discusses with stakeholders their views on the road from 2020 and key recommendations on the way forward. Panelists and other participants shared their commitment to actively support ACQF implementation.