Previous Events

2nd Training Week 5-9 September 2022: Skills, Qualifications and Frameworks for Mutual Trust in a Changing World 2nd Training Week 5-9 September 2022: Skills, Qualifications and Frameworks for Mutual Trust in a Changing World
Sep 05, 2022 10:00 AM to Sep 09, 2022 04:15 PM Radisson Blu Sandton - Johannesburg, South Africa,

The second ACQF training week takes place in Johannesburg - South Africa, as a hybrid event. Participants will interact with world class speakers, share their experiences, and engage in practical and hands-on sessions to develop and strengthen their knowledge and skills on a range of issues related with the conditions and enablers of transparency of qualifications and mutual trust between qualifications frameworks in a changing world. Themes of the training programme: national and regional qualifications frameworks, quality assurance, digitalisation and development of qualifications, recognition of learning and qualifications, online registers of qualifications, novel approaches to labour market intelligence, monitoring and evaluation, and referencing to ACQF.

Training Programme: Skills and qualifications - towards better frameworks and systems for people's lifelong learning Training Programme: Skills and qualifications - towards better frameworks and systems for people's lifelong learning
Apr 18, 2022 09:00 AM to Apr 22, 2022 01:30 PM Online,

Individuals, societies, economic systems, countries and regions need more and better skills and qualifications for the green and digital transition, for equal opportunities, better jobs, resilience and democracy. Refresh and upgrade your knowledge on qualifications frameworks and systems. Learn on new and digital tools supporting modernisation of qualifications and the response of qualifications frameworks and systems to the transformation of learning and work. Be part of an inspiring learning journey with many other African and international participants.

14th Peer Learning Webinar - RPL / VAE / RVCC (RCA) 14th Peer Learning Webinar - RPL / VAE / RVCC (RCA)
Mar 03, 2022 from 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM Online,

Recognition of prior learning is not limited to lower levels of qualifications. Three different country cases show a wide and diverse scope of RPL / VAE in Africa and Europe.

13th Peer Learning Webinar - focus on Recognition of Prior Learning 13th Peer Learning Webinar - focus on Recognition of Prior Learning
Feb 18, 2022 from 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM Online,

The project “Developing the African Continental Qualifications Framework (ACQF)” continues the series of peer learning webinars in 2022. This new series focuses on developments and practices in the domain of Recognition of Prior Learning / Validation des Acquis de l’Expérience / Reconhecimento validação e certificação de competências (Reconhecimento de competências adquiridas). Cases shared: a) ACQF Guideline of Validation of Learning; b) European Union - 10 years of experience of Validation of Non-Formal and Non-Formal Learning; c) African country experience: Cape Verde - new developments and practical application.

5th Peer Learning Webinar on Recognition of qualifications 5th Peer Learning Webinar on Recognition of qualifications
Nov 23, 2021 from 12:00 AM to 02:00 PM Online - Zoom,

The African Qualification Verification Network (AQVN) was formed in 2016 in response to the challenges faced by many African government entities in respect to the verification of foreign qualifications. Facilitated by the South African Qualifications Authority, the formation of the AQVN was the outcome of a declaration by key stakeholders in qualifications management in Africa to “ Build Trust and Promote Genuine Qualifications in Africa through Effective Verification”.

ACQF 12th Peer Learning Webinar ACQF 12th Peer Learning Webinar
Oct 28, 2021 from 12:00 AM to 02:50 PM Online - Zoom,

1) African experiences and debates: (a) TVET reforms work better with an NQF: case of Mozambique (ANEP); (b) Recognition of degrees and diplomas in higher education: the experience of Cape Verde (ARES); c) African School Curriculum Mapping Study – main findings of the survey (African Curriculum Association, JET Education Services). 2) Micro-credentials: a new opportunity for LLL and NQF – findings of new research in Europe (Cedefop). Debate.

4th Peer Learning Webinar on Recognition of qualifications 4th Peer Learning Webinar on Recognition of qualifications
Oct 26, 2021 from 12:00 AM to 02:00 PM Online - Zoom,

The African Qualification Verification Network (AQVN) was formed in 2016 in response to the challenges faced by many African government entities in respect to the verification of foreign qualifications. Facilitated by the South African Qualifications Authority, the formation of the AQVN was the outcome of a declaration by key stakeholders in qualifications management in Africa to “ Build Trust and Promote Genuine Qualifications in Africa through Effective Verification”.