The 3rd continental “Forum of the institutions of National Qualifications Frameworks", is organised in partnership with the African Union, African countries, Regional Economic Communities. This workshop is co-organised with Kenya National Qualifications Authority (KNQA), and will take place in Nairobi, from 1 to 4 October 2024, at the Hotel Fairview. The workshop languages are English, French, and Portuguese. Streaming is available to ensure wider participation.
Many African countries are developing, are starting implementation or have substantial experience of operations of their NQF and need to review certains tools and reference principles. Monitoring and Evaluation concepts, tools and indicators are fundamental to support NQF institutions and stakeholders in steering the NQF towards the expected impacts.
Iniciativa da Direção do INQ apoiada tecnicamente pelo ACQF-II, composta de uma série de 3 programas de formação e ação piloto. Angola, INQ: Supporting Preparation for Implementation of the Standards of the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications
The 2nd NQF Forum addresses 5 themes: innovation of new NQFs; kick-off referencing to ACQF; quality assurance of NQFs; policy instruments for mobility, recognition and portability - RPL, CATS, micro-credentials; greening NQFs; Qualifications and Credentials Platform (QCP) in progress.
This Training program for stakeholders of the NQF Angola focuses on 7 major themes, and is co-organised between National Qualifications Institute (INQ) and ACQF-II. A Jornada de Formação para as entidades associadas ao Systema Nacional de Qualificações (SNQ) de Angola centra-se em 7 temas principais e é co-organizado entre o INQ e ACQF-II.
The Ministry of Vocational Training of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo) co-organises with the "African Continental Qualifications Framework" (ACQF-II) project and African countries the continental "Forum of National Qualifications Frameworks' institutions". This workshop will take place in Kinshasa, from 18 to 20 June, at the Memling Hotel.
Le Ministère de la Formation Professionnelle et Métiers (MFPM) de la République Démocratique du Congo (RD Congo) coorganise avec le projet « Cadre Continental Africain de Certifications » (ACQF-II) et les pays Africains, le « Forum continental des institutions des Cadres Nationaux de Certifications ». Cet atelier aura lieu à Kinshasa, du 18 au 20 juin, à l’Hôtel Memling.
Sierra Leone drafted the new NQF in 2024, and started a wide national stakeholders consultation process. This workshop contributes to discussion of the draft NQF document and continues the capacity building programme started in November 2023.