Meeting of Technical Committee on Certification and Accreditation (TCCA) to discuss the review and next steps for further development and implementation of the SADCQF. Implementation of the SADC Qualifications Framework started in 2016, and in 2021 SADC Secretariat and with expertise of the European Training Foundation (ETF), conducted a study to review the status of implementation and identify areas for further improvement of the SADCQF. This study was part of the research activities of the Project “Developing the African Continental Qualifications Framework (ACQF-I)”. The findings of the study were discussed at two TCCA meetings (November 2021 and April 2022) and presented to the annual Joint Ministerial meeting (Education and Training, Science Technology and Innovation) held in Malawi in June 2022.
Webinars & Workshops
The SADC TVET Symposium 2023 is convened on 8-9 May, in Johannesburg to promote TVET as an integral part of efforts to enhance skills and employability and ultimately sustainable and inclusive development in a context of accelerated transformation. The Symposium is organised by SADC Secretariat in cooperation with the project ACQF-II implemented by the European Training Foundation (ETF), and with expert contribution of ILO and UNESCO.
This webinar sums-up the activities and outputs of the ACQF project, and discusses with stakeholders their views on the road from 2020 and key recommendations on the way forward. Panelists and other participants shared their commitment to actively support ACQF implementation.
The second ACQF training week takes place in Johannesburg - South Africa, as a hybrid event. Participants will interact with world class speakers, share their experiences, and engage in practical and hands-on sessions to develop and strengthen their knowledge and skills on a range of issues related with the conditions and enablers of transparency of qualifications and mutual trust between qualifications frameworks in a changing world. Themes of the training programme: national and regional qualifications frameworks, quality assurance, digitalisation and development of qualifications, recognition of learning and qualifications, online registers of qualifications, novel approaches to labour market intelligence, monitoring and evaluation, and referencing to ACQF.
Individuals, societies, economic systems, countries and regions need more and better skills and qualifications for the green and digital transition, for equal opportunities, better jobs, resilience and democracy. Refresh and upgrade your knowledge on qualifications frameworks and systems. Learn on new and digital tools supporting modernisation of qualifications and the response of qualifications frameworks and systems to the transformation of learning and work. Be part of an inspiring learning journey with many other African and international participants.
This final webinar on RPL will explore the cases of South Africa, Senegal, Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Portugal, and discuss differences and common traits of Recognition of prior learning / VAE in different contexts.
Recognition of prior learning is not limited to lower levels of qualifications. Three different country cases show a wide and diverse scope of RPL / VAE in Africa and Europe.
The project “Developing the African Continental Qualifications Framework (ACQF)” continues the series of peer learning webinars in 2022. This new series focuses on developments and practices in the domain of Recognition of Prior Learning / Validation des Acquis de l’Expérience / Reconhecimento validação e certificação de competências (Reconhecimento de competências adquiridas). Cases shared: a) ACQF Guideline of Validation of Learning; b) European Union - 10 years of experience of Validation of Non-Formal and Non-Formal Learning; c) African country experience: Cape Verde - new developments and practical application.