Join the First ACQF Network Meeting!
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The main objective of the ACQF Network is to implement, sustain and strengthen the ACQF and its Qualifications and Credentials Platform (QCP), as policy instrument supporting transparency and comparability of qualifications and credentials of all types and levels, mobility of learners and workers, recognition of skills, qualifications and credentials, complementarities with national institutions in development of national qualifications frameworks and systems, referencing with qualifications frameworks in Africa and global cooperation.
The ACQF policy document, validated at the Conference in Addis Ababa, on 11-13 July 2023, defined the objectives, principles, the seven areas of activity, the essential principles of governance and the technical characteristics and tools of the ACQF. The conceptual and policy underpinnings of the ACQF Network were laid down at the ACQF Conference in Addis Ababa (11-13 July 2023)2 and were further discussed and agreed at the 1st Forum of National Qualifications Institutions, in Kinshasa (18-20 June 2024)3. Output 3.1 of ACQF-II project includes activities in support of the establishment and strengthening of the ACQF Network for sustainability.
Following the elaboration of the inception document and the future defining webinars of 5th and 20th December 2024, the ACQF Network is determined and eager to get down to business by holding its first meeting.
The meeting will, among other salient agenda items, consider matters related to the governance and terms of reference for the Network.
This gathering of like-minded colleagues and experts will mark a significant step towards formalising the ACQF Network and a huge boost to ensuring the sustainability of the ACQF for the benefit of all African peoples.
Contact: Maria Rosenstock - ACQF-II Coordinator
- When Jan 22, 2025 from 08:00 AM to 10:00 AM (UTC / UTC0)
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