SADC Qualifications Framework (SADCQF) - Meeting 2025
SADCQF - new roadmap 2023-2026
The SADCQF is a regional mechanism for comparability and recognition of full qualifications, credit transfer, creation of regional standards and facilitation of quality assurance (QA). It consists of a set of agreed principles, practices, procedures and standardised terminology intended to meet the five purposes of the SADCQF:
Providing a mechanism for comparability and recognition of qualifications in SADC.
Facilitating mutual recognition of qualifications in all member states.
Harmonising qualifications wherever possible.
Promoting the transfer of credits within and among member states and even beyond.
Creating SADC regional standards where appropriate.
In the six years of its implementation, started in 2017, the SADCQF implementation model showed resilience in the face of challenges and resource limitations and was able to deliver tangible contributions on some of the defined purposes. However, after this initial phase of testing and piloting, SADCQF needs capacities to advance on the defined purposes and generate impact.
The TCCA proposed on 11-12 May 2023 a new SADCQF roadmap for the period 2023-2026, in accordance with the recommendations of the Report “Review of implementation and way forward”, which was adopted by the Joint Meeting of ESTI Ministers, held in Malawi, June 20221.
To note significant progress in the range of activities and the cooperation of SADCQF with two major regional qualifications frameworks: a) ACQF and b) EQF. This cooperation addressed the following topics and areas:
ACQF: a) Country-specific activities: developing policies and tools related to NQF and connected policy areas, e.g. RPL, and CATS. Member States involved in national level activities: Angola, D R Congo, Eswatini, Mozambique, Seychelles, Zambia; b) Capacity development, peer learning, networking – programme of country-specific training workshops, thematic webinars, continental Forums. Member States actively involved in continental Forums: Angola, Botswana, D R Congo, Eswatini, Lesotho, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Seychelles, South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe; c) Referencing NQF-ACQF / SADCQF: 4 Member States completed referencing reports / presentations, 2 Member States - in progress; c) Development of ACQF QCP – national registers; d) Development and maintenance of websites of qualifications authorities (Angola, Eswatini).
EQF: comparison EQF-SADCQF. Report completed, presented to African and European Union stakeholders, validated by EQF Advisory Group.
Organisation of the TCCA meeting
- Initiative and invitations: SADC Secretariat
- Venue of meetings: Radisson Blu Hotel, Sandton, Johannesburg
- Participants: Delegates of SADC Member States, SADC Secretariat, experts.
Agenda of the meeting
Objectives of the meeting
- Update information on the state-of-play of development, implementation and review of Member States’ National Qualifications Frameworks and related policies and instruments (e.g. Recognition of Prior Learning, Credit Accumulation and Transfer Policies, digitalisation of NQF functions and registers, communication, and visibility).
- Roadmap SADCQF 2023-2026: overview of activities, progress and plans. Discussion and clarification on scope, timelines, and resources.
- SADC CATS Guidelines: updated.
- SADC RPL Guidelines: updated.
- SADC Micro-credentials Guidelines - version 1.0 for initial discussion
- Referencing to SADCQF: Guidelines - version 1.0 for initial discussion
- M&E SADCQF: proposed indicators 2026.
- ACQF Network: state of play.
1ACQF. 2023. SADCQF – Review of implementation and way forward.
- When Apr 24, 2025 to Apr 25, 2025 (UTC / UTC0)
- Where Hotel Radisson Blu, Sandton, Johannesburg - South Africa
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Day 1 (24 April): 09.00-16.30
Session 1: 09.00-09.30: Opening, welcome remarks. Objectives of TCCA meeting. Introduction of the participants. Brief overview on the conclusions of the meeting of TCCA May 2024.
Chair: Representative of Zimbabwe and SADC Secretariat.
Session 2: 09.30 – 10.30: Roadmap 2023-2026 SADCQF: progress report.
SADC Secretariat; Member States
Session 3: 10.30 -16.30 - Structured discussion on the way forward concerning improved SADC cooperation regarding recognition of qualifications, NQFs, RPL, CATS, micro-credentials, referencing, digitalization, and green skills: All Member States.
Is there a need to revise the SADC Qualifications Framework
Is there a need to continue with EXCO or establish a new structure with a focus on different components?
Is there a need to have more frequent meetings and if yes, should we set up a Community of Practice?
What are the main issues, challenges and differences affecting progress in implementation and effective cooperation in the SADC on the mentioned themes?
What measures and policies should be supported through common efforts at regional level?
How can SADCQF better support comparability, harmonization, recognition and portability?
M&E of the SADCQF: indicators, data and system to support implementation and progress towards improved transparency and relevance of qualifications, matching supply-demand for skills and qualifications, and lifelong learning.
Session 3-1: 10.30-12.30 -Structured discussion on the way forward concerning improved SADC cooperation regarding recognition of qualifications, NQFs, RPL, CATS, micro-credentials, referencing, digitalization, and green skills: All Member States (Part 1)
11.00-11.15: coffee break
12.30-13.30: lunch break
Session 3-2: 13.30 – 16.30 - Structured discussion on the way forward concerning improved SADC cooperation regarding recognition of qualifications, NQFs, RPL, CATS, micro-credentials, referencing, digitalization, and green skills: All Member States (Part 2)
16.30: end of day 1. Coffee break
Day 2 (25 April): 09.00-16.30
Session 4: 09.00-09.15: Opening and agenda. Brief recapitulation of main debates and conclusions of day 1.
Chair: Representative of Zimbabwe and SADC Secretariat.
Session 5: 09.15-09.45: SADC CATS Guidelines – updated. Discussion. Validation.
James Mwewa.
Session 6: 09.45 – 10:15 SADC RPL Guidelines – updated. Discussion. Validation.
Patrick Werquin
Session 7: 10.15-11.00: SADC Micro-credentials Guidelines. Draft 1 – initial discussion. Comments, recommendations, next steps.
Prof Mohee and Fiona Ernesta and Member States
11.00-11.30: coffee break
Session 8: 11.30-13.30: Referencing.
Part I: Referencing Guidelines SADCQF. Draft 1 – initial discussion.
Part II: Progress report on Pilot referencing to ACQF.
Robin Phoolchund; Member States
13.30-14.30: lunch break
Session 9: 14.30-15.00: ACQF-II progress and plans with focus on activities in SADC countries and the ACQF Network.
Maria Rosenstock and Member States
Session 10: 15.00-15.30: Angolan presidency of the African Union 2025: agenda, main initiatives related to education, skills, qualifications, employment.
Representative of Angola – INQ.
Closing session: 15.30-15.45: wrap-up. Main conclusions. Closing remarks.
Coffee break