Summary Guidance for Referencing to ACQF: a streamlined approach for the pilot phase 2024

This Summary Guidance for Referencing to ACQF is recommended for countries involved in the pilot phase 2024.




The ACQF Policy Document, validated at the ACQF Addis Conference on 11-13 July 2023, defines the purposes and scope of the ACQF, its seven main areas of activity and the ACQF level descriptors (Annex 1 of this document).

The ACQF referencing approach, criteria and procedures are described in ACQF Guideline 3 (and the related Training Module 3). ACQF referencing has been a topic on the agenda of several multi-country and country-specific workshops, notably at the 1st NQF Forum (Kinshasa, 18-20 June 2024, see presentation).

Referencing of national (and regional) qualifications frameworks and systems to the ACQF is the core function of the ACQF as a meta qualifications framework for the African continent. Referencing to the ACQF is guided by four Referencing Criteria and a set of procedures and follow-up steps defined in the Governance, procedures and follow-up steps. Moreover, it is important to note the Quality principles associated to referencing criterion 4.

ACQF-II project is mandated to support the pilot referencing of NQFs (and RQFs) to ACQF. This process is based on the above-mentioned Guideline 3, but is conducted through a streamlined approach, based on group work and peer learning between the interested countries.

This first pilot phase is conducted in a period of 4 months – September-December 2024 – guided by the indicated sources, this template, presential meetings at ACQF-II workshops and webinars.