2021 Progress Report ACQF development project: presented to ACQF AG-4 meeting (13/01/2022)

Report summarises the main activities and outputs in 2021 and the planned actions 2022. This report was presented to ACQF AG on 13/01/2022




Main outputs and progress by end 2021

  1. Baseline analysis and evidence: ACQF Mapping Study. Completed and pre-publication: November 2020. Final publication: March 2021. Four country reports updated (October 2021). The full collection of ACQF Mapping reports is composed of 13 national, 3 regional and a comprehensive mapping report – on the state-of-play and perspectives of qualifications frameworks in Africa. The full collection, including 4 national reports updated in 2021 are accessible in the ACQF website.
  1. ACQF Feasibility report – accessible in 3 languages at the Policy and Guidelines page of the ACQF website. Completed: end June 2021. This report was presented and discussed at ACQF Advisory Group meeting of 28 July 2021. On the basis of the three scenarios of the ACQF, the feasibility study deepens the analysis of critical dimensions of feasibility, presents a plan of outputs (horizon 2026) and outlines initial reflections on the options for ACQF governance.
  1. ACQF policy document: first draft completed and submitted to ACQF Advisory Group meeting (13/01/2022). The first draft was completed in December 2021 and shared with ACQF Advisory Group for discussion, comments, and validation during the upcoming 4th meeting (13 January 2022). The initial concept and approach to develop the ACQF Policy document was discussed with ACQF Advisory Group at the 3rd meeting of 28 July 2021.
  2. ACQF Guidelines: first draft completed and submitted to ACQF Advisory Group meeting (13/01/2022). Two Guidelines are in early draft status. A team of specialist experts is developing the Guidelines. The concept paper on ACQF Guidelines and the themes they address was presented at the ACQF Advisory Group meeting of 28 July 2021. The set of 10 ACQF Guidelines are the technical foundations accompanying the ACQF policy document.
  3. ACQF governance options – feasibility report. Started in October, completed and discussed the inception report and discussed the roadmap with AUC Division for Education. Presentation on the roadmap – on the agenda of the ACQF Advisory Group, 4th meeting (13/01/2022).
  4. Capacity development programme – composed of a combination of modalities of learning, notably peer learning webinars, support to countries and regions, training programmes, conferences.
  • Peer Learning Webinars (PLWs): 12 PLWs conducted in 2020-2021. In total shared 24 country cases and experiences (NQFs, quality assurance, recognition), and three regional cases - from Africa, Asia, Europe and Middle East. All learning materials, presentations, video learning materials are well organised in the dedicated webpage of ACQF website. A special library of video learning materials covering all real NQF cases presented at the PLWs has been created to ease access to this useful resource.
  • Thematic briefs: to support self-learning of key issues and topics on the domain of qualifications frameworks. Seven thematic briefs are available at ACQF website.
  • Support to countries and RECs: upon demand and building on the ACQF networking, which was established through peer leaning webinars and research (ACQF Mapping Study), the ACQF project provides some technical / expert support, differentiated to meet the specific needs and in accordance with the level of development and implementation of the qualifications framework.