From session 2B of the 7th ACQF PLW on the 29th of October 2020 - South Africa: Two decades of NQF - Presented by Ms Coleen Jaftha, SAQA - South African Qualifications Authority
Videos - real NQF cases
From session 3 of the 7th ACQF PLW on the 29th of October 2020 -Sierra Leone: A new NQF in development - Presented by Mr. Mohammed Jalloh, Sierra Leone
From session 5 of the 7th ACQF PLW on the 29th of October 2020 - Europass Digital Credentials- Presented by Mr Dennis Van-Gessel & Ildiko Mazar, European Commission. Directorate General Employment Social Affairs and Inclusion. Unit Skills and Qualifications.
From session 2 of the 8th ACQF PLW on the 3rd of June 2021 - Seychelles NQF: Goals, features, new developments - Presented by Ms Fiona Ernesta, CEO SQF, Seychelles
From session 3 of the 8th ACQF PLW on the 3rd of June 2021 - Namibia NQF: Lessons from longstanding experience - Presented by Mr Franz Gertze, CEO NQA, Namibia
From session 4 of the 8th ACQF PLW on the 3rd of June 2021 - Kenya - Recognition of Prior Learning: a new system for a new hope - Presented by Dr Eusebius Mukhwana, CEO KNQA, Kenya
From session 4 of the 9th PLW on the 30th June 2021 - ANAQ-Sup - Early childhood education and development – towards a continental framework - Presented by Mr Moses Abiero, Africa Early Childhood Network (AfECN)
Secretary General of CAMES, Prof. Bertrand Mbatchi: presentation on "African Quality Assurance Experiences - the role and programmes of CAMES". At ACQF 9th Peer Learning Webinar (30.06.21) - French
From session 2 of the 10th PLW on the 22nd of July 2021 - Angola - national qualifications framework and national qualifications system - Presented by Mr Olavo Correia, Expert in NQF-NQS, VET and NQF reform project Angola (RETFOP)
From session 3 of the 10th PLW on the 22nd of July 2021 - South Africa, SAQA: National Learners' Records Database - Presented by SAQA, South Africa, Dr Julie Reddy, CEO and Ms Omotola Akindolani, Senior Researcher
From session 4 of the 10th PLW on the 22nd of July 2021 - Kenya: new NQF Information Management System - Presented by Dr Eusebius MUKHWANA, Director of Kenya National Qualifications Agency & Vincent Koech, DD KNLRD
From session 5 of the 10th PLW on the 22nd of July 2021 - African Qualification Verification Network (AQVN) - Presented by Ms Mirriam Chiyaba, AQVN
From session 2 of the 11th PLW on the 23rd of September 2021 - Learning outcomes approach: from concepts to application in key contexts of learning, and qualifications frameworks - Presented by Mr Jens Bjørnåvold, Senior expert and project manager, CEDEFOP
From session 3 of the 11th PLW on the 23rd of September 2021 - Regional qualifications frameworks (RQF): objectives, referencing, levels - Presented by Ms Andrea Bateman, International Expert
From session 4 of the 11th PLW on the 23rd of September 2021 - Towards technical design of the ACQF: levels and level descriptors - Presented by Ms Coleen Jaftha, ACQF Expert
From session 2 of the 12th PLW on the 28 of October 2021 - TVET reforms work better with an NQF: case of Mozambique presented by Ida Alvarinho, Director of Qualifications department, ANEP
From session 3 of the 12th PLW on the 28 of October 2021 - Recognition of degrees and diplomas in higher education - Cape Verde (ARES) presented by Paola Carvalho, Procedures manager and Mr Alberto Landim, Credential Evaluator, ARES
From session 4 of the 12th PLW on the 28 of October 2021 - Micro-credentials: a new opportunity for lifelong learning and qualifications frameworks. New research in Europe (Cedefop) presented by Mr Mr Jens Bjørnåvold, Senior expert and project manager, CEDEFOP
From session 5 of the 12th PLW on the 28 of October 2021 - School Curriculum mapping study: preliminary results presented by Mr James Keevy and Ms Zaahedah Vally - JET Education Services, South Africa
From session 6 of the 12th PLW on the 28 of October 2021 - Debate: learning is changing – opportunities and challenges for NQFs. Panel of experts.- Panel: Ms. Jacqueline Mugo, Business Africa; Mr Valentine Udeh, OATUU; Mr Juma Mukhwana, KNQA
The Panel debated the essential question of the transformation of learning, skills and qualifications from the perspective of employers (with Business Africa), workers (with the views of the Organisation of African Trade Union Unity) and a national qualifications authority (Kenya - KNQA).