Conclusions of ACQF Forums 2024

In 2024 the ACQF-II conducted 4 Forums of the National Qualifications Authorities and relevant Agencies / departments. This summary of all conclusions and recommendations can be complemented by the Agendas, reports and Presentations accessible on the respective webpages on ACQF website.

ACQF-II Forums 2024

Summary of Conclusions and Recommendations

In 2024 the ACQF-II conducted 4 Forums of the National Qualifications Authorities and relevant Agencies / departments. This summary of all conclusions and recommendations can be complemented by the Agendas, reports and Presentations accessible on the respective webpages on ACQF website.

Read the report published on ACQF website - Resources.

1st Forum: Kinshasa, D R Congo, 18-20/June 2024

Forum date


Co-host national institution

Main themes

1st Forum



Title: Forum of National Qualifications Frameworks institutions – a new step forward



Kinshasa, D.R. Congo

Ministry of TVET

NQFs advancing in development and implementation: 8 country cases

RPL growing in Africa

Micro-credentials for lifelong learning: the case of Mauritius.

Regional initiatives and policies supporting NQF development.

ACQF Countries’ Network: towards a sustainable implementation.

Referencing to ACQF: preparing the pilot phase

Digitalisation of certification: the case of EUROPASS and European Digital Credentials for Learning

Qualifications and Credentials Platform (QCP): Training 1

Main conclusions of the Kinshasa Forum

The 1st NQF Forum took place in Kinshasa (18-20 June 2024) and recommended:

  1. Support and boost the development and implementation of National Qualifications Frameworks (NQFs) – inclusive and comprehensive, future-proof, adaptable to the demands of digital and green transformation, supporting employability, social inclusion and lifelong learning, and supported by evidence.
  2. Support the connection and mutual trust between qualifications frameworks at the 3 levels (national-regional and continental): through referencing, the ACQF platform of qualifications, innovations, the RPL campaign, and sharing of good practices. Support the establishment of the African Network of Qualifications Frameworks, to ensure the sustainability of the achievements of the ACQF-II project.
  3. Create synergies and complementarities between the ACQF and the Addis and Global Recognition Conventions – with common objectives and practical actions.
  4. Harness the innovative power of the green and digital transformation of jobs and skills. Joint policies and practices to develop green and digital skills: national, sectoral and specific (education and training, qualifications, innovation, academic research and links with industry). Ensure an active role of NQFs, Regional Qualifications Frameworks and ACQFs as catalysts.
  5. An urgent call to action: explore, develop and implement micro-credentials for lifelong learning and employability linked to National Qualifications Frameworks (NQFs).
  6. Implement data systems and tools: interoperable databases on qualifications at all levels and sub-sectors; implementation of RPL; Real-time data and analysis on skills demand. Learners’ achievements.
  7. Share experiences and best practices through sharing platforms: technical guidelines and documentation, qualifications standards and other achievements of interest for the success and impact of the NQF, RQF and ACQF.
  8. Strengthen the capacities of institutions, human resources and stakeholders.



2nd Forum: Luanda, Angola, 5-6/September 2024

Forum date


Co-host national institution

Main themes

2nd Forum



Title: New generation NQFs, Referencing to ACQF, Green Skills

Luanda, Angola

Instituto Nacional de Qualificações (INQ)


Innovation and new trends in NQFs in Africa: 3 country cases

Quality Assurance in the context of NQFs: new developments. 3 country cases

Green skills – Green qualifications – Green NQFs: towards common elements of policy and implementation

Credit Accumulation and Transfer Systems: new opportunities for lifelong learning.

Referencing to ACQF – Pilot phase. Session 1 presentations (5 countries – Cabo Verde, Kenya, Seychelles, South Africa, Zambia)

Qualifications and Credentials Platform (QCP): Training 2


Recommendations of the 2nd ACQF Forum, Luanda

  1. To develop recommendations towards Green NQFs, Green Curriculum.
  2. To prepare and start the pilot phase of referencing between RQFs and ACQF.
  3. To seek synergy and linkages between RPL-CATS-Microcredentials policies.
  4. To reflect on sustainable NQF governance models.
  5. To reinforce the use of AI in management of NQFs, registration of qualifications and data analysis.
  6. Continue to promote and support mutual learning, peer sharing and knowledge-creation among NQF institutions and related stakeholders in all countries.



3rd Forum, Nairobi – 1-4/October 2024

Forum date


Co-host national institution

Main themes

3rd Forum


Title: RPL for Practitioners

Nairobi, Kenya

Kenyan National Qualifications Authority (KNQA)

RPL for Practitioners – a comprehensive approach and new Handbook.

RPL in the ACQF context


RPL theories

RPL implementation, Quality Assurance, Monitoring and Evaluation

RPL Assessment

RPL in Kenya: meeting the practitioners and policy leaders at Kabete Polytechnic. Study visit.

Referencing to ACQF – Pilot phase. Session 2. (8 countries – Cabo Verde, Kenya, Seychelles, South Africa, Zambia; Eswatini, Lesotho, Zimbabwe)

Qualifications and Credentials Platform (QCP): Training 3


Conclusions and recommendations of the 3rd ACQF Forum (1-4/October 2024, Nairobi):

In the context of PDCA approach (Plan-Do-Check-Act) and based on cooperation and mutual learning between all African countries, continue development and enhance support to RPL policies and implementation, with particular attention to the following aspects:

  1. Common vision: Develop common features, components and guidelines for harmonised RPL policies and practices trusted and understandable across countries.
  2. RPL Guidelines: use ACQF Guidelines and the new Handbook RPL for Practitioners as a reference for national level policies and practices.
  3. RPL Implementation: building on lessons from experience, it is recommended to develop and apply the full package of policy implementations tools and mechanisms, such as RPL strategy and plan, a specific monitoring and evaluation framework with supporting data collection and analysis to guide continuous improvement.
  4. RPL implementation: should benefit from insights, relevant lessons and experiences from other countries / regions, and be based on sharing of good practice, mutual help and harmonisation.
  5. RPL target groups: implementation of RPL should promote and foster social inclusion and fully apply the principle “noone is left behind”; particular attention is due to the needs of migrants, returning migrants and refugees.
  6. RPL costing and financing: nenewed attention to design and implement sustainable models, sharing common features, building on complementarities and diversity of stakeholders and end-user organisations.
  7. RPL innovation: highlight and promote the innovation edge of RPL for the wider eco-system of lifelong learning and qualifications, in particular: widen the scope of RPL to include all sub-sectors of education and training; holistic and candidate-centred assessment modalities and practices; explicit articulation with other policies and mechanisms supporting progression and mobility such as credit accumulation and transfer and micro-credentials; contextualisation of language requirements for RPL processes; pointers and orientations concerning renewal of existing qualifications and development of new qualifications; Green skills, Green RPL. 



4th Forum, Seychelles – 13-14/November 2024

Forum date


Co-host national institution

Main themes

4th Forum

13-14/Nov 2024


Title: Micro-credentials for better opportunities

Victoria, Seychelles

Seychelles Qualifications Authority (SQA)

Micro-credentials in the ACQF context and work plan

Concepts, definitions

Global trends, impacts, emerging issues

Micro-credentials in the global context – shaping innovation, supporting flexibility. 3 cases: Cedefop, OECD, New Zealand Qualifications Authority

Micro-credentials in the African context. 3 country cases: Mauritius, Seychelles, Kenya

ACQF Micro-credentials Handbook – draft 1. Presentation. Structured discussion and recommendations for final version.

Qualifications and Credentials Platform (QCP): Training 4

Referencing to ACQF – Pilot phase. Session 3. (8 countries – Cabo Verde, Kenya, Seychelles, South Africa, Zambia; Eswatini, Lesotho, Zimbabwe)


Conclusions and recommendations of the 4th Forum, Seychelles

On Micro-credentials

  • Validate the Micro-credentials Hanbook – upon its review incorporating all comments and recommendations of the 4th Forum
  • Continue peer learning and capacity development on Micro-credentials
  • Collect cases of good practice and create a dedicated Webspace and platform.
  • Create a Working group on Quality Assurance of Micro-credentials
  • Support countries: development of micro-credentials policies, use of the Handbook as a reference
  • In the ACQF QCP: data collection of Micro-credentials

On referencing to ACQF

  • Complete pilot phase end 2024, including 3 planned webinars – with reports, comparison and feedback
  • Uses of referencing outcomes / report: agree and discuss, ex.: recognition of qualifications (ARC, GRC); regional and continental portability, mobility and international credibility
  • Lessons learned – for country and ACQF: a) introspection, review of NQF; b) space of micro-credentials on NQF; c) management of NQF, capacity development; d) recommendations referencing reports
  • Publish reports once approved
  • SADCQF: harmonise referencing to ACQF's; review SADCQF

On the QCP

  • Complete the surveys; a) KPIs / metrics for the national layer DB; b) Manual vs automatic import of data.
  • Training sessions specific for national QCP contact persons: please join and actively participate. Essential skills for countries’ use of the QCP interface.

On sustainability of the ACQF – Network of Qualifications Frameworks Africa: time to move ahead

  • Follow-up on Kinshasa Forum’s report and recommendations
  • ACQF-II support, including funding (to be defined – project, secretariat)
  • Network (NQFA): home of QCP and ACQF – sustainability
  • Countries to join forces
  • Group of lead countries



Participating countries: Angola, Botswana, Cabo Verde, Cameroun, DR Congo, Eswatini, Ghana, Guiné-Bissau, Lesotho, Mauritius, Mozambique, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe

Highest appreciation to all participants, speakers, discussants and panelists, facilitators and chairpersons actively contributing to the 4 ACQF Forums in 2024.

Special gratitude to the co-hosting institutions of the 4 Forums:

  • Ministry of TVET, D R Congo.
  • National Qualifications Institute (INQ), Angola
  • Kenya National Qualifications Authority (KNQA), Kenya
  • Seychelles Qualifications Authority, Seychelles

Long-lasting cooperation and wishes of success and impact to the CEOs of the three co-hosting National Qualifications Authorities:

  • Dr Edgarda Neto, INQ – Angola
  • Dr Alice Kande, KNQA – Kenya
  • Ms Fiona Ernesta, SQA - Seychelles

Contact: Eduarda Castel-Branco, – Coordinator of the ACQF-II

24/Nov 2024