Training Programme: Skills and qualifications - towards better frameworks and systems for people's lifelong learning
ACQF Training Programme – Agenda, Team, Guest experts
The process of ACQF development includes activities stimulating mutual learning, knowledge-creation, and support to countries. ACQF Capacity development programme works through a combination of modalities of learning:
- ACQF in-depth training: two 5-days programmes - in April and July 2022
- ACQF Peer Learning Webinars: 40 country and regional experiences shared in 15 sessions (2020-2022), dedicated to the key themes – National qualifications frameworks and systems; Quality assurance of qualifications; Registers of qualifications; Regional qualifications frameworks; Micro-credentials; Recognition of prior learning – policies and practices. The complete documentation of all 15 Peer Learning Webinars is easily accessible at Webinars. Moreover, a special library of video learning materials covering all real NQF cases presented at the PLWs eases access and use of this resource.
- Learning Management System (e-learning): the ACQF LMS is in development and will be ready for users in May 2022.
- Thematic briefs on key topics: Concepts and definitions related to qualifications frameworks and systems; Level descriptors; Regional qualifications frameworks; Competences Frameworks; Quality Assurance in TVET; Competence-Based Training; Governance of NQFs. Thematic briefs are available at ACQF website.
The first ACQF in-depth training programme is confirmed: 18-22 April 2022.
‘Skills and Qualifications – towards better frameworks and systems’ – visit the webpage.
Online Learning Programme (5 days)
Period: from 18 to 22 April 2022 - Time: 09.00-13.30 GMT
A new, hands-on, learning journey for qualifications and skills practitioners, staff of ministries and qualifications agencies, representatives of the world of work, experts! This practical course with 22 learning hours is for you!
By 13 March 2022 over 80 participants have registered, representing 20 countries and regional and continental institutions, e.g.: ECOWAS and the Association of African Universities (AAU).
The main objective is to help participants refresh and upgrade knowledge and understanding of concepts, practices, and new developments in the domain of qualifications frameworks and systems and contribute to create a pool of trained professionals and to support countries developing their National Qualifications Frameworks (NQFs).
A package of 10 Training Modules and other support materials, such as presentations, videos and thematic briefs, will be disseminated for your introduction and self-learning. At completion participants will receive certificates.
The programme delivery combines presentations on the key themes, demonstration of innovative tools for qualifications management, sessions with guest experts, consolidation and assessment via individual and group work, and lively discussion spaces for sharing and co-construction. The trainers’ team is composed of experienced specialists and practitioners in NQF and qualifications development.
- This learning journey starts on 18th April, and the core theme of the first day is: qualifications frameworks – systemic view. The programme starts with the portrayal of ACQF as a meta-framework for referencing and mutual trust; the systemic view on qualifications frameworks; and an overview of skills and occupations taxonomies and the Global Inventory of national and regional qualifications frameworks 2021.
Main resource: Training Module 10.
- On day 2, 19th April, participants zoom in the essence of development of qualifications, the learning outcomes approach and the concepts and use of level descriptors.
Main resources: Training Modules 10, 1 and 2.
- Day 3, 20th April, is dedicated to essential components of qualifications framework / systems: validation of learning (with emphasis on Recognition of Prior Learning), credit accumulation and transfer systems and registration and registers (databases) of qualifications. Quality assurance will be introduced, from the perspective of ACQF and national qualifications frameworks (RQF). A major highlight of the day is the presentation of the concept, experience, and tools of “Credential Engine” (USA), by a team of guest experts.
Main resources: Training Modules 4, 6 and 5.
- Day 4, 21st April: learners will explore the possibilities and examples of innovation and technology in the context of qualifications and qualifications frameworks; and pragmatic approaches to monitor, evaluate and review qualifications frameworks and systems.
Main resources: Training Modules 7 and 9.
- Day 5, 22nd April: deep dive in the principles and instruments of ACQF: level descriptors, referencing to ACQF and communication and outreach. Green and digital transitions – implications for learning, qualifications and ACQF. Presentations of learners’ cases and responses to practical exercises, final debates, final outcomes of training.
Main resources: Training Modules 2, 3 and 8.
The Team
The team developing the ACQF Training Modules and delivering the training programme includes specialists and practitioners with long-standing experience in the relevant thematic areas.
Andrea Bateman: works as a freelance consultant providing advice in the areas of qualifications and quality assurance frameworks. She has been the principal consultant for the ASEAN Qualifications Reference Framework since its initial design discussions, and was responsible for the initial design refinement of the Pacific Qualifications Framework. She works with various countries assisting in establishing their emerging qualifications systems, including designing NQFs and quality assurance arrangements, and establishing the functions of the body responsible for quality assuring the system. Andrea is a co-author of ACQF comprehensive Mapping study. She is developing ACQF Guideline and Training Module Nº 10 (Qualifications and NQF – systemic view).
Coleen Jaftha: is a South-African expert with substantial professional experience in South African Qualifications Framework (SAQA) and SADC Qualifications Framework, contributor to international initiatives on regional qualifications frameworks. Coleen is developing four ACQF Guidelines and Training Modules: Nº 1 (learning outcomes), Nº 2 (level descriptors), Nº 3 (referencing to ACQF) and Nº 8 (Communication and outreach).
Eduarda Castel-Branco: is a senior specialist, qualifications and labour market expert of European Training Foundation (ETF). Eduarda has long-standing experience in NQF development working with ETF partner countries and as a member of the Advisory Group of European Qualifications Framework (EQF). She is the thematic and technical coordinator of ACQF project, team leader; author of five ACQF country mapping reports, co-author of the ACQF comprehensive mapping report and synthesis report, and the ACQF Feasibility study; co-author of ACQF Guideline and Training Module Nº 5 (Quality Assurance). Coordinates and animates ACQF programme of Peer Learning Webinars and the activities of support to countries’ NQF.
Eleanor Hazell: is a South African expert. She provides monitoring and evaluation (M&E) support for and evaluates education and social programmes in Sub-Saharan Africa. She has dual Masters in Development Studies (cum laude) and M&E methods (cum laude). Eleanor is the Executive Manager: M&E at JET Education Services, a Research Associate at the Centre for Education Practice Research in the University of Johannesburg and a current South African Monitoring and Evaluation Association (SAMEA) board member. Eleanor develops the ACQF Guideline and Training Module on M&E, working in partnership with Zahraa McDonald.
Kaylash Allgoo: is a Mauritian expert with long-standing experience in NQF and RQF development and implementation. He was Chairperson of the Transnational Qualifications Framework (TQF) Management Committee from 2008 to 2015. Recently developed the Higher Education Qualifications Framework for Malawi and piloted a model for Recognition of Prior Learning in higher education for Madagascar. Kaylash is co-author of ACQF Feasibility study and of ACQF Guideine and Training Module Nº 5 (Quality Assurance).
Kelly Shiohira is an expert working in the domain of innovation, new data systems and technology related with education and training. Kelly is developing the ACQF Guideline and Training Module Nº 9 (Innovation and Technology in the context of NQFs and ACQF), and created the prototype of the related Tool to assess innovation readiness. She works in partnership with Patrick Molokwane.
Mirriam Chiyaba, Modest Hamalabbi, Fidelis Cheelo and James Mwewa: The team of Zambia Qualifications Authority is contributing to ACQF development. The team is composed by the Chief Executive Officer, the Director of Technical Services, the Manager of Standards and Quality Assurance, and the Manager of Qualifications Services. They develop ACQF Guidelines and Training Modules Nº 4 (Validation of Learning) and Nº 6 (Registration and Databases of qualifications).
Other contributors: Dr Eusebius Juma Mukhwana (Kenya National Qualifications Authority), Deodonne Kunwufine (Ministry of Secondary Education, Cameroon), and Jean Adotevi (Togo).
The international guest speakers at the ACQF Training Programme (April) are:
- Representatives of ‘Credential Engine’ (USA): Mr Scott Cheney (CEO) and Ms Deb Everhart – to present the concept and governance, technical instruments and analytical capabilities of Credential Engine.
- Representative of KNQA (Kenya): Mr Stanley Maindi – to share the Kenyan experience of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
- Other guest speakers will join to share views and information on Micro-Credentials.