New Seychelles NQF Regulation launched!

The new SNQF includes several novel components, such as: micro-credentials, CATS and revised qualifications map.

The Revised Seychelles National Qualifications Framework (SNQF) was officially launched by the Minister for Education, Dr. Justin Valentin during the 4th ACQF Forum, which took place from 13th to 14th November 2024. The international event which was co-organised by the African Continental Qualifications Framework (ACQF-II) and the SQA was attended by numerous delegates from 17 African countries and from international organisations, such as SADC, OECD CEDEFOP, New Zealand Qualifications Authority among others.

The Seychelles NQF (SNQF) was established in 2008 through the SNQF Regulations, and came into operation on the 1 January 2009. The SNQF formalised the requirement for both public and private education and training providers throughout the country to deliver quality-assured, nationally recognised, consistent standards and qualifications.

The SNQF was reviewed in 2024 with the aim of modernising and simplifying the framework in line with international trends.

The SNQF establishes the regulations and principles that guide the development of qualifications. It states the criteria to be met for qualifications to be recognised nationally and defines the conditions for learners to be certified. The SNQF is also a set of policies and regulations which guides all providers
of education and training concerning the conditions necessary for them to operate.

The objectives of the SNQF are to provide:

  • Quality assured, nationally recognised, consistent training standards and qualifications;
  • Recognition and credit for knowledge and skills acquired

The SNQF aims to:

  • Ensure comprehensiveness in the recognition of learning and qualifications attained in the country, while ensuring parity between different types of qualifications;
  • Promote and regulate the development of qualifications which are linked to the workplace and society requirements;
  • Promote a more integrated approach to education and training;
  • Increase articulation of qualifications and mobility of learners within a coherent learning system, considering the need for both national and
    international portability and comparability.

The Revised SNQF includes new components, such as micro-credentials, and a section on credit accumulation and transfer. The qualifications map was reviewed, reflecting the inclusive scope the SNQF.

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