Luanda hosts the 2nd NQF Forum on 5-6 Sept 2024

On 5-6 September representatives of 19 African countries meet in Luanda to discuss NQF, RPL, CATS, Green Skills, Micro-credentials, Qualifications and Credentials Platform and launch the pilot phase of referencing to ACQF.

1       Objectives of the 2nd NQF Forum

Main themes explored at the 2nd NQF Forum:

  • Referencing to ACQF - kick-off the pilot phase of referencing
  • Qualifications and Credentials Platform (QCP): training on main themes - explore the functionalities of the national qualifications database; prepare qualifications for the database;
  • New generation National Qualifications Frameworks (NQFs): innovative features, aspirations and instruments
  • Quality assurance for mutual trust Policies and tools for lifelong learning related to the NQF: RPL; CATS; micro-credentials
  • Green NQFs, green ACQF: orientations and next steps

The 2nd NQF Forum builds on the recommendations of the 1st Forum (Kinshasa, 18-20 June 2024).

2       Agenda of the Forum

Venue: Hotel Alvalade, Luanda


Local time

Themes to be addressed

Speakers - countries, facilitation

5 September




Departure from Hotel

Opening. Welcome, official speeches.

Introduction of participants.

Objectives of the Forum

Chair: Republic of Angola

-        ACQF-II

-        Delegation of the European Union (Angola)

-        Director INQ

-        Minister - MAPTSS



Coffee break

Return to Hotel

At the Premises of MAPTSS


Theme 1



1.   National Qualifications Frameworks – learning from the current evolutions.

a)   National Qualifications Frameworks of new generation: what’s new?

b)   NQFs in reform and transformation: what directions, issues,

Chairs: South Africa, Eswatini

Presentations and speakers: ACQF-II; Guinea-Bissau – INAFOR Paulo Costa, Sierra Leone – NCTVA, O. Olowu; Seychelles, CEO SQA – Ms Fiona Ernesta


Theme 2

2.   Referencing to ACQF: pilot phase. Self-assessment. Debate in groups. Roadmap for referencing teams.

Facilitation: ACQF-II coordinator, Eduarda Castel-Branco

Working groups with countries’ representatives: Angola, Cabo Verde, Cameroon, DR Congo, Eswatini, Ghana, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Mozambique, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Zambia. Other countries welcome.


Lunch break

Restaurant at Hotel Alvalade




Theme 3



Theme 4


Theme 5




3.   Quality Assurance: supporting the transformation of NQFs and enhancing mutual trust in qualifications and systems


4.   Green and digital skills – Green and digital NQFs


5.   Micro-credentials for lifelong learning and employability. The new ACQF-II package. Presentation. Discussion

Chairs: D.R. Congo (MFP), Cameroon


3. Presentations and speakers:

-        Cabo Verde, Ghana, Senegal, Zambia


4. Presentations and speakers:

-        ACQF-II; Zimbabwe

5. Presentations and speakers:

-        ACQF-II; SQA - Seychelles

17.15 – 18.00

Coffee Break and end of day 1

Hotel Alvalade


6 September

Local time





Theme 6



Theme 7



Theme 8



6.    Experiences from Europe: the case of Portugal. Governance (ANQEP); NQF; National Qualifications Catalogue, Recognition of Prior Learning; new themes and innovation.


Short coffee break


7.   ACQF Qualifications and Credentials Platform (QCP): training session 2. Presentation of the Mock-up for database at national level. Questions and answers


8.   ACQF Updates: Country cooperation plans; RPL Campaign; Common Profiles of qualifications

Chairs: Mozambique, Angola

6. Presentation and speaker: Ms Teresa Duarte, ANQEP. Coordinator of National Qualifications Catalogue.

Questions and answers



7. Presentation and speakers: Team Cognizone, Knowledge & Innovation Centre, PPMI



8. Presentation and speaker: ACQF-II



Lunch break





Theme 9



Theme 10





9.    Credit Accumulation and Transfer Systems. Supporting mobility and lifelong learning. Linkages to NQF, RPL, Policies, guidelines, practices


10.  Recognition of Prior Learning: indispensable pillar of the NQF for social inclusion, employability, growth.


Conclusions, recommendations.


Chairs: Lesotho, Somalia


9.Presentations and speakers: James Mwewa; Kenya, KNQA; Mauritius, (HEC-online); Seychelles, SQA


10. Presentations and speakers: ACQF-II. Cases: Cabo Verde, Eswatini and Mozambique. Debate.

Closing Presentation and speakers: ACQF-II, South Africa, Angola (INQ, MAPTSS).


Coffee break



Contact: Ms Eduarda Castel-Branco, ACQF-II Project Coordinator.