Angola's National Institute of Qualifications (INQ) promotes the implementation of the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) and its Catalogue

Cooperation with the ACQF-II was very influential. By: Antonieta Fernandes, Deputy Director of INQ, at the panel of the ACQF 2024 webinar (20/12/2024). Article in ENGLISH

Visit the website of the National Institute of Qualifications (INQ) for all relevant and up-to-date information on INQ's activities, and the implementation of the NQF and its Catalogue.

Angola is the second largest country south of the Sahara after the Democratic Republic of Congo, occupying a strategic position in Central (Western Southern) Africa, and endowed with immense natural resources and critical minerals. Angola is home to a population of 36.7 millions (2023), with a large share of youth. Independent since 11 November 1975, Angola has a history of resistance and resilience.

Antonieta Fernandes presents remarkable progress and good prospects for working with the ACQF-II in the country panel of the ACQF-2024 Webinar, held on December 20, 2024.

The ACQF and my country and organization – what have we achieved?

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The Republic of Angola strongly applauds the implementation of the initiatives of the ACQF Project, with the support to African countries in the establishment and development of their National Qualifications Frameworks (NQFs), through the exchange platform created of experiences and good practices between counterparts as well as the information tools on the labour market allowing possible alignments at regional level,  which will certainly serve as a facilitating element for the processes of referencing African countries to the NQF to the African Continental Qualifications Framework (ACQF).

Throughout this period of cooperation with the ACQF Project, several multinational events on policies and capacity development were held, Angola through the National Institute of Qualifications (INQ), hosted and co-organized with ACQF, the 2nd Forum of National Qualifications Frameworks, in Luanda from 5 to 6 September last, as well as participated in other events and work meetings,  learning and can see the advances that other sister countries have made on various topics, including:

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  • Referencing of NQF to ACQF;
  • Qualifications and Credentials Platform (QCP);
  • Green and Digital Skills;
  • Micro-credentials
  • RVCC (Recognition, Validation and Certification of Competences);
  • Credit Accumulation and Transfer Systems (CATS)
  • Quality Assurance in NQFs;

The partnership with the ACQF Project also allowed the National Institute of Qualifications:

  • The development and implementation of the Institutional Website –, as well as the training of technicians for content management, thus giving greater visibility at national and international level;
  • Aroused interest in matters related to the NQF, from its stakeholders in the public and private sectors as well as from the general public;
  • Production of Conceptual Documents, which served as a reference basis for the elaboration of legal regulations on RVCC and CATS.
  • Preparation of the first methodological manual for the implementation of Professional Qualifications or programs in our country;
  • The strengthening of skills at the institutional level through a training day where we had the participation of the different stakeholders of the national qualifications system and the private sector of Angola.

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The main lessons learned are listed as follows:

  • Promote dialogue, sharing of knowledge and experiences among peers;
  • Promote understanding of the comprehensive and inclusive scope of NQFs, of all reference countries and regions;
  • Understand the processes of operationalization of NQFs in their ecosystems;
  • To permanently strengthen methodological and technical knowledge.

The future outlook

  • Continue the promotion of communication and dissemination campaigns of the National Qualifications System and related matters;
  • Promote training actions on matters related to the National Qualifications System;
  • Promote dialogue and understanding of the NQF between the different institutions and entities interested in the NQF and its broad implementation;
  • Implement the Integrated Management and Information System for Qualifications;
  • Carry out more Sectoral diagnostic studies;

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  • Develop mechanisms to monitor the constant changes in the labor market as well as the identification of priority labor needs;
  • Expand the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications;
  • Prepare a Methodological Manual for the Elaboration of Professional Qualifications;
  • Prepare technical documents to support the National Qualifications System;
  • Gradual and consistent implementation of RVCC and CATS supported by INQ and NQF.
  • Participate in the referencing process of the NQF of Angola with the ACQF.


